“I give up! Please don’t do no harm to me, mister, leastaways not my face. All I got left is my rugged good looks.” - same character
“I give up! Please don’t do no harm to me, mister, leastaways not my face. All I got left is my rugged good looks.” - same character
“deeeeeeeaaaaaath” -Black and White
And then every once in a while if your name was common enough it would whisper your name instead. Freaked me out first time it happened.
I ran into something similar where the main Syncthing interface was limiting a folder to “Send Only” with that same “locked to read only” message. In my case I was able to work around it by going to the Web GUI and there I was able to set the folder in question to “Send & Receive”. I don’t know if it will apply to your situation, but you might give that a shot if you haven’t already.
The internal speakers cutting off while docked seems to be a bug; I had the same issue and was able to work around it by following this comment.
For music, I have FreeTube and Tidal installed as non-steam games. I’d prefer if I could hit the media control shortcuts on my keyboard and control Tidal while I’m in a game, for example, but I haven’t found a way to do that. The closest I’ve gotten is by installing Decky Loader and the Music Control plugin.
“Spending a huge chunk of the budget on dishonest advertising and then releasing a significantly different, half-broken game is still cool though.”
I don’t know how well known it is, but this sort of information is visible already on https://isthereanydeal.com.
Click on a game and look for “Waitlist Price Distribution” under the “Stats” tab: