“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”
Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!
“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”
Looks like compatibility hacks for various websites.
Interventions - are deeper modifications to make sites compatible. Firefox may modify certain code used on these sites to enforce compatibility. Each compatibility modification links to the bug on Bugzilla@Mozilla; click on the link to look up information about the underlying issue.
User Agent Override - change the user agent of Firefox when connections to certain sites are made.
The value of the DNS is that we all use the same one. You can declare independence, but you’d lose out on that value.
That’s the opposite of what the court said.
Well, no. The courts struck down Trump’s Tiktok ban because he used an executive order that overstepped his authority.
Tiktok has been a subject of national security concerns since at least 2020.
Can someone provide the opposite of the tl;dr? A too short, didn’t understand?
From a national security standpoint of the government, it absolutely does matter who has the data.