I need scissors 61 !!!
I need scissors 61 !!!
I’m still a bit of a Linux noob but when I updated my kernel to the latest a few months ago it broke VMware and I couldn’t get it to work again . I don’t remember the exact errors at this point but I determined it was definitely a kernel issue . I’m using Ubuntu for now btw .
I just started playing in the last few months. I bought it for my son and didn’t expect to be that interested in it and now I can’t stop playing.
I miss the back fingerprint scanner. I could unlock my phone as I’m taking it out of my pocket . The in screen one on Samsung phones is really unreliable.
Have you tried another app yet ?
All three of my dual sense controllers have stick drift , I managed to fix 2 of them by taking apart and cleaning them . The third one I’m in the process of replacing the potentiometer just haven’t had time to finish it yet . Barely had these issues on my older controllers that got so much more use.
From what I understand that are not redoing any of the audio or motion capture. So they are just making the exact same game with better graphics. I don’t really get the point of it, I think the HD version I have on PS3 and vita look great as is .
The graphics look really good but something just doesn’t fit but I figure out what .
It all makes so much sense now…
The names for these games are so weird. Am I reading that right 1.5 + 2.5 and then 2.8 ?
I found PopOs in my experience when first switching full time to Linux was awful . I literally couldn’t get a single game to run . I switched to Ubuntu and had a lot less issues but when using alot of different applications like lutris and yuzu the version on the Ubuntu software app where outdated and gave alot of issues so most software I downloaded from other places . Right now I have 90% of what I want working but might switch distros again soon or at least doing a fresh install since I have installed alot of stuff when learning and testing. Also virtual machines won’t work since updating to the latest kernel .
But either way don’t use pop
I think PlayStation will still be around for the more high end games since Nintendo consoles are usually underpowered. And exclusive games
I have been using a galaxy s21 for almost 3 years with nova launcher. Still works perfect other than the battery not holding charge as long .
I hate this . I swear there must be monster under the floors in my main house right now . I can never use that bed but can’t find any monsters .