No problem <3
No problem <3
Basically a democratic institution where the members are the consumers.
Why not consumer coop instead?
Um what. Did u forget to share the link? I can just see an image
Wow, the SpaceX engineers really are good, huh. Amazing stuff!
What even is Pinterest? I see people using it as social media, but I never got what it was for. Isn’t it just an image hosting site like Imgur? Or is it more like Instagram?
Ew the new one sucks. Why can’t they spend the money that they have on important stuff instead of changing logos every couple of years? Uk, considering that their funding is going to dry up because of the Google anti trust case?
Hopium question: Can Google be sued for this as anti-competitive behavior and fined for “lost revenue”?
That’s the way to go! AI isn’t bad. Closed sourced AI is.
Have u tried changing user agent? Get an add-on on Firefox with a similar name and change to chrome. The website will now think that u’r using Chrome. U could even change ur displayed OS if it has that big of a problem with Linux.
What? Sure, no software is completely hacker proof. But u can have more and less secure devices.
That being said, the rest of ur comment just looks like a word salad to me.
They do have security/privacy concerns if you have google installed. However, with vanilla AOSP and vetted applications whose source code can be screened, you have a much much secure device than IPhones.
Not really. Nuclear is very expensive to maintain (due to safety reasons).
Hyperloops are not viable tech at least till energy costs drop dramatically.
Oh heck yea! My neighborhood is better mapped on OSM than Google Maps even now! Very fulfilling to see.
Same. Very likely geoblocked