Didn’t he announce he was done with the game, like, 5 years ago?
Didn’t he announce he was done with the game, like, 5 years ago?
I was really fortunate to have been exposed to a lot of awesome video games in my childhood. Sonic 3 and knuckles, gunstar heroes, super Mario world, low g man, x wing alliance, and the xmen and simpson arcade games all transport me in time. 🥹
I love fallen haven so much.
I’m ok with the humble tip. Got to keep the lights on. As long as I can send the majority to charity.
It doesn’t quite fit, but there are a lot of boardgame phone adaptions, and they rarely have microtransactions. Cat lady, carcassonne, ghanz schoan clever, doppelt so clever, hex roller, rail road ink and roll player are some of my favorites
You seem to have forgotten Shadows of the Empire too!
So far.
I guess redfall ain’t getting those characters people already paid for.
“Job’s done” Warcraft