I noticed on their site they say they have a import/export feature. If it’s not what you are describing then what is it?
I noticed on their site they say they have a import/export feature. If it’s not what you are describing then what is it?
Yeah the same conversations have occurred in my household. I think you made the right choice here. I’m a huge gamer myself and developer, not on Roblox. Usually if anything it’s me being the lenient one when it comes to games in our home, vice my wife. This is one that I did not allow from day 1 regardless of the age of the kid. It was apparent to be a bad apple to me from my initial looks at it, and has only proven that point over the years. I can’t imagine though how hard it is for most parents who are not entrenched in that industry to navigate decisions like that.
That statement doesn’t really make sense. Especially in this case, the website is a business and a store. A government definitely has the right to take legal action against a physical store operating within it’s jurisdiction, so why would the same not hold true for an electronic one?
Check out Cobalt Core. Great game in that and vein.
I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way.
I use iDrive, 20TB for a couple hundred bucks a year. I’ve not found anything that compares to that in pricing. Backblaze I think it’s about $1600 a year for the same storage and the major cloud providers are much higher than that. I view cloud backups as the the last line of defense in the backup strategy. So all the nice features that most providers offer at a significant price increase just don’t make sense to me as I won’t use them. I have the iDrive Linux app running it detects what’s new in the monitored directories and shoves them up to the cloud hopefully to never be needed.