The author says that once you install Gemini (pro), when you ask “what song is this”, you get a reply like “use apple’s Shazam”.
They say Google assistant music recognition was working so well and super accurate.
Although I was never able to have it work. When I ask “what song is this” I can only get one of this two results:
- Sorry, I didn’t understand (90% of cases)
- Search “what song is this” on Google
My use cases are:
- In car listening to radio. I never have it work.
- Know which song is playing right now on the device when I’m using headphones. It never worked but it should be trivial, you already have all the metadata already. My iPod touch could do this super reliably and 100% offline TWENTY YEARS ago. It was so useful.
wow - surely not being able to recognize songs totally defeats the purpose of an assistant
Shazam solved music recognition 20y ago, just stop whining and use a tool that has this feature.
That’s like complaining my coffee maker doesn’t make tea.
Google Assistant could do it.
So it’s more like complaining that your coffee maker stopped making the water hot.
and GA is still available, just use it
For now.
Google fully intends to replace GA with Gemini.
yes… as soon as it has feature parity with assistant, which will take a while
Ah yes Google is well known for achieving feature parity with its own competing apps before axing them after all.
if that was the case they would have just embedded gemini into the assistant app and raised the middle finger to all their user base
They ran Gmail and Inbox concurrently before axing one and not reaching feature parity.
They ran Google Music and YouTube music concurrently before axing one and not reaching feature parity.
So why would that be the case?
Google assistant is already almost useless (at least in my language, I get almost always a “sorry, I didn’t understand” answer, but your mileage may vary), a newer version that can’t interact with anything seems pointless.
“Send Whatsapp to…” - “I can’t interact with Whatsapp”
“Turn off the lights” - “I don’t have access to this”
“Identify this song” - “use our competitor’s app”
GA was amazing years ago, it’s gotten consistently worse over time to the point I’ve stopped using it in my home for anything other than asking today’s weather when I wake up.