It connects to proprietary services which makes it not an option. The same situation for Tuta Mail. We can talk after they publish their server source code. Proton is also not an option for the same reasons.
Our team created a custom notification solution and managed to implement it in an energy-efficient way, an alternative to Google’s FCM that lets us fully bypass Google’s infrastructure.
FFS, it’s a calendar. It has no business connecting anywhere.
make your own: get a domain (15$ probably less for a year), get 2x tiny servers (around 10-15$ each) and deploy MX and IMAP services on your favorite OS. Takes a while to set it up but it’s pretty awesome :3
I’ve heard that a lot of custom domains get filtered by tech giants. Have you experienced any problems like that? I agree it would be nice and self hosting it is pretty straightforward.
gmail likes to flag some of my mail as spam despite having everything set up properly (TLS, dkim, sfp, PTR) . Some businesses have improperly configured MX, so you can’t be too strict on the rules or you’ll need manual intervention all the time.
Overall, it works fine I have been running various domain for about 10y now. Plus it contributes to the decentralization of email \o/
Your point is valid but both are not the same, Proton has more to offer and is now a non-profit which you can’t say that about Tutao GmbH (the company behind Tuta/Tutanota)
It connects to proprietary services which makes it not an option. The same situation for Tuta Mail. We can talk after they publish their server source code. Proton is also not an option for the same reasons.
FFS, it’s a calendar. It has no business connecting anywhere.
What is an option then?
Any email service that works with K-9/Thunderbird and OpenKeychain.
I personally like Purelymail. Cheap and bullshit-free.
make your own: get a domain (15$ probably less for a year), get 2x tiny servers (around 10-15$ each) and deploy MX and IMAP services on your favorite OS. Takes a while to set it up but it’s pretty awesome :3
I’ve heard that a lot of custom domains get filtered by tech giants. Have you experienced any problems like that? I agree it would be nice and self hosting it is pretty straightforward.
gmail likes to flag some of my mail as spam despite having everything set up properly (TLS, dkim, sfp, PTR) . Some businesses have improperly configured MX, so you can’t be too strict on the rules or you’ll need manual intervention all the time.
Overall, it works fine I have been running various domain for about 10y now. Plus it contributes to the decentralization of email \o/
Not true at all. Consider that would also mean filtering legit businesses.
I have a .cloud address that works fine. Just make sure DKIM, SPF and HELO is setup and configured properly.
Your point is valid but both are not the same, Proton has more to offer and is now a non-profit which you can’t say that about Tutao GmbH (the company behind Tuta/Tutanota)