I second this. I didn’t understand that until…you know, like you install the latest python or something and then your website is proof! Gone. Dockerization gives it a little bit of stability.
I second this. I didn’t understand that until…you know, like you install the latest python or something and then your website is proof! Gone. Dockerization gives it a little bit of stability.
Probably Joplin is the easiest to use. Looks like OneNote but it’s different in many ways.
I want to know if I can run Linux on the hardware. That would be awesome.
Just whatever the latest vanilla android from Google there’s for Motorola phones. I don’t know, I’m not a rocket microbiologist.
Great points! I love it!
Only if you match whoever the actual electors pick as president. Then yes.
Even without all this DNS thing, you can always reach your own IP from outside. The issue becomes a security issue. You will need to route your PC’s specific Navidrome port. You can use any port you like, but you’ll need it exposed thru. So that opens your system up for attacks from outside. With the cloudflare thing you can safely access your computer from outside without opening ports.
However you can sort of do this too by adding a couple more pod apps and using a dynamic DNS service. Portainer or cockpit, Pihole, and Ngnix Proxy Manager.
With portainer or cockpit you can organize the pods so they start-up automatically for example. Using your router, split your network into two separate ones … One for yourself and another for your exposed stuff. Then use the pihole to protect them. Next set-up Ngnix proxy to route to different ports. If you get to my music.com, then it will route the name to a port. Without DNS you can also just route from your outside IP to a local host name. For example could route to NABODROME the local host name or simply to there’s a ton of tutorials on how to set these up on YouTube so go have fun. You might choose not to get into all this because it’s a little complex. But you could, like many of us, really like it, and then you enjoy a little freedom.
Navidrome server. Use podman. Buy a Fully qualified Internet address first, then go to cloudflare and proxy your IP to the new. Address. Finally in android install Ultrasonic or Subsonic and go to your server.
You don’t need to have a Fully qualified Internet address. But I like it better than having to remember 55.655.67.533. but the IP address still works fine. The thing about the cloudflare proxy is that it never reveals your IP. So in case someone might be snooping around, they gotta get past cloudflare first.
Oh that’s pretty good. I could also replace all the kid’s broken Amazon fires with cheap surfaces from eBay.
Everything great until the price.
That is very interesting 🤔. I didn’t know that was an option.
They got rid of the headphones jack so I didn’t buy one. Now this??? WTF! Why don’t they just smear human poop on the phone before shipping? That would be way easier on the users. You just wash it for a few hours upon opening the baggie. Easy.
I don’t even have a single Nintendo or game of any sort. My kids got dupped by YouTube and so now it’s either cry or pay for that shit…a few years ago… Today though, they are old enough to get pissed at things. I shall explain what Nintendo is doing so that they make better choices in the future.
I’m now pretty sure we got our last Nintendo switch game. I’m not going to buy out kids anything Nintendo anymore. They are the most recent RIAA.
Hold on, I just need to clear a mental blockage: https://youtube.com/shorts/QSbUK1XzgCc?si=Ld8HkfJj4KDwloDr
Hold on! I’m currently booting the kernel mentally. I’ve been at this for 2 weeks now…
I love that his desk is messy like mine and that he gets pissed at bad code.
The pressure behind a bullet ~14,000psi. The pressure that a 3D resin can handle ~ 200psi. Any questions?
Oh yeah, how do 3D printed guns kill? 1) use non 3d printed parts or 2, hold the bullets in the gun-like case, carry a hammer, if you need to shoot the bullet just get the bullet out between two of your fingers, run like crazy towards the target, then bury that sucker with a real nice hammer thud. If you practice real good, you can hit a good 3 or 4 target spots. If you do it it slow enough you can probably hit one bullet with another bullet! Well, you can always do that. Heck you can put 10 bullets or more in a baggie and they will all hit each other.
I guess if you need a ruzzian war diy survivor gun, just go-to the hardware store and get a pipe. No 3D printed stuff. You can make the handle from wood! That’s literally all a 3D printer is good for in gun making, the handle. But you can carve one out with a router. Are routers illegal yet because you can make a gun … handle…?
It took me a while to learn that:
Reverse proxy= your page lives in your basement but only your DNS knows. From outside everyone goes to “my page is cool.com”
VPN= LAN but in WAN…go to Starfucks and you can still get your files from your basement’s NAS
I’m sure they got other meanings, but this frame helped me a bit. Hide your IP!