Lutris has an option to switch to US QWERTY. Also doesn’t take much effort to do manually but it’s buggy with X.org (sometimes it insists on keeping the previous layout for no reason).
Pas de parenté réelle avec l’écrivain.
Bâtard d’une diaspora honnie. Ne parle pas la langue.
Procédurier chaotique.
Lutris has an option to switch to US QWERTY. Also doesn’t take much effort to do manually but it’s buggy with X.org (sometimes it insists on keeping the previous layout for no reason).
The split screen multiplayer in XIII on consoles was a lot of fun.
So it’s not just me. I thought they made it better eventually, seems I was too optimistic.
Impressions from watching someone play it: it looks like a clone of Stardew Valley. The music isn’t terrible but I wouldn’t say it’s good. Some mechanics from Stardew Valley that weren’t easy enough were changed, like fishing. I’m not sure that’s bad for everyone, it can just be a casual game to relax.
Not necessarily a bad thing if they can make the prices lower, if most people end up buying cheaper but adequate hardware developers will have an incentive to make their games work with that hardware. We have seen what games with NVidia partnerships ended up with in terms of bugs with ATI GPUs but aren’t those problems less severe now?
This is the team’s YouTube channel. Not a headline.
I don’t care about extra content, it is a welcome addition for games with long-term support like Stardew Valley. If the dev and publisher have a lot of money I do expect long-term bug fixing.
Producers sometimes like to include personal references.
I’d rather have that than micro transactions or unfinished games with half of what was promised or less.
I use BÉPO AFNOR and some games don’t like É instead of W, autorebind only works for me in games that actually have modern keyboard management and use key codes and/or understand Unicode, dead keys, etc. I’m better off setting the keyboard to US QWERTY