Guy wrote an essay on an article he didn’t read.
Guy wrote an essay on an article he didn’t read.
Quen and side step a lot during combat. Focus on getting sets of armor and weapons because they are better than whatever weird ass stuff you throw together from loot. So that means you’ll have to visit armorers a lot. Do not ignore Gwent. It can be fun. Pick one girl and do not romance them both. Make sure you make Ciri as happy as possible. A lot of quests are about choosing the lesser evil. So basically you’re setup to make a bad choice no matter what. Which makes it interesting honestly. This game is really interesting and rich in story. Explore everything. Have fun.
Both teamviewer and rustdesk are acting funny as hell since the upgrade. Seriously buggy for me. Screen locks up. Keyboard and mouse also act funny. tiger vnc is ok at the moment. That’s my biggest takeaway. It’s been hard to do stuff remotely with Wayland enabled.
God I wish