Warcraft was always pretty goofy, I mean have you played wc3?
Warcraft was always pretty goofy, I mean have you played wc3?
It’s all just flashcards with extra steps and anki already exists. /shrug
Can I have the shittiest stock meme phrase you have?
…no that’s too shitty.
Okay but you have to at least know about the gum blood wall
that’s a hitbox, you’re talking about a hitbox
which is just a slab with less buttons on it
For precise inputs keyboards are really good, stuff like tactical shooters, a lot of custom fighting game controllers are basically just paired down keyboards too.
Keyboards are pretty fucking cool, analog sticks are easy to use and good if you need the 360 degree movement, but otherwise keyboards all the way.
I think they meant to say reselling?
You will be assimilated
I dream of one day owning a link to a pdf document
This is already a thing in most gacha games due to laws that already exist in certain countries.
The way the gacha works is very public knowledge for every popular one, and can be verified by the players.
yummy koolaid
Meanwhile, esports gamers, being the biggest bunch of dorks on the planet.
Are you an idiot?
People are worried about the actual voice actors who voice act the characters.
Do you think GLaDOS was voiced by a potato battery?
cars felt like cards of the era
Flashbacks of playing the race car mission as a very clumsy kid
I think it needs TPM if you have some virtualization settings on even on windows 10.
you might have a better time if you find a friend to chat away with while you work on the farm together
This mans steam name is his steam ID