midnight murder club is the name
midnight murder club is the name
mega man battle network
I’ll add polished crystal as well
Hercules PS1, Myst and Riven
I’ve had fun with Pokemon Unite although it’s very easy
Legend of Mana has very confusing quests, but the amount of sheer content made it one of my favorite jrpgs of all time
there are different scenarios you can purchase like zombies, vampires or even planet of the apes
it’s only one studio, CI Games, based in Poland.
I have plague inc by ndemic, but it’s not the board game version
can’t wait to buy switch ports at full price!
Mana series might be up your alley although a bit dated, up to 3 players. similar graphics to crystal chronicles. I’d recommend Secret of Mana (HD), I think you can recruit two party members before the first dungeon. it the voice acting is bad, you can switch to Japanese dub
Digimon TCG hack of Pokemon TCG for gameboy (it’s hard)
some of the best cheap games I’ve played Portal, Stardew, Ori
Crash Bandicoot got me hooked on crystals
the game is Among Us…
havent seen Metaphor Rephantazio mentioned
I used to use a joystick extender for shooters but it turned out really handy for flight sims like Elite Dangerous n Subnautica
game freak games look awful, HudSoft Pokemon games always lookes great