I thirden this
I thirden this
Not sure about that launcher as I use Projectivy launcher, but I have the ability to hide certain apps. On it, my home screen only has the apps I use, nothing else no ads no “suggestions”
That sounds nice but it’s owned by a giga corp so if it was created it would be garbage full of micro transitions.
Same and what’s fucked up is I had 2fa on them and like really fucking long complicated passwords because security.
Damn near impossible they was “hacked”.
Every so often I have to go recheck my old meta accounts to make sure there still deleted. I have noticed that they somehow become undeleted without me knowing or wanting it.
TikTok was not as censored before the ban, people could talk about there genders race, could go live at protest, could criticize government shit.
Now I consider it trumptok. Probably a way for TikTok to cater to trump to not ban it by anything related to trump that’s negative to ban them and promote all things good trump.
It is no longer TikTok it is now just as bad as meta and x because that’s the only way they can see to keep the platform in the United States
Welcome to Amerikkka. If they can’t suppress the citizens they will force all to do it.
Good we should be more invested in better apps like redNOTE.
As Someone else who is also disabled. Got any other accessibility type things for the steam deck ?
Careful with Factorio, if you enjoy complexity automation and figuring things out, 2 hours can suddenly turn into 14.
I know with my 7000 hours of experience. For some people it is more addictive then crack. (Hence why they said cracktorio)
Factorio it’s over 6000 last time I checked
Thank you, I will look out for that. If it does I’ll just return it as defective and get a dock somewhere else. Much appreciated, thank you.
Got the dock with it, it will be basically a replacement for my laptop and I nobora is one of them it tried and for some reason my specific laptop and Nvidia just doesn’t work well for gaming on Linux. Spent literally days on random shit that and everything I found didn’t work or made it worse.
So it will be like a semi replacement for my laptop and a console on my big screen tv basically.
Well replacement for everything that microcrap hasn’t forced on to me that I can’t use on Linux. I’m just going to sunshine to my old laptop anyways and put the laptop near my cluster of server type computers.
I kinda meant like things you use/install recommend that not a lot of websites really mention. Some things niche that are not mentioned much. I’m really into tinkering and learning but all the websites I find online and searching reddit is all seems the same stuff.
Just something you find interesting I believe is what I’m trying to say.
Fuck yes no rumble to remove. Definitely looking into this. Fuck rumble imo
Factorio space age. Can cracktorio got laced with space
My main reaction when I saw this us “wait? Nobody uses subscriptions?” When nearly exclusively use my subscriptions to look at things and maybe one or twice a week go on the home tab because YouTube home tab is fucking garbage. I also do this on other platforms where I have my followed tab I watch.