Yeah, it doesn’t.
Yeah, it doesn’t.
You can also try LineageOS GSI for the time being.
Heliboard is the best opensource keyboard I have used. For dialer, I use fossify Dialer
KOreader is the best
Yes, they submitted initial patchset to Linux kernel back in October (1 day after snapdragon X announcement). On Qualcomm’s website they say that full support for the chip will be merged into Linux kernel within six months.
Did you check if kernel module for audio is loaded?
It still works for AOSP and AOSP-Like Roms but doesn’t work for OP on OneUI
No need for tasker, you can achieve the same thing by enabling rotation icon using systemui tuner and adb.
Lawnchair has google feed. And I think Nova has too.
Yes, I have done it multiple times but you will lose recents screen and gesture navigation. If you have root, you can get it back with lawnchair + quickswitch.
Experiment with arch, void (musl), Nixos and atomic distros like fedora silverblue, bazzite
I mostly use a download manager for parallel downloading a file. (downloading multiple parts of a single file at the same time).
Same here
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
According to Debian Wiki VLC has limited support of va-api for hardware acceleration. Try fixes in the wiki. It might help.
Maybe try a full update. Partial updates are problematic.
You should change the title, as it is the continuation of the story. People will think its the same story being repeated.
Yes, you will have bugs. But those are fixable with toggles in the TrebleApp. And Gapps are included.
You won’t find it in the west. Its Infinix X6831
You can use dinit-userservd to run services as user services.