sure, but that’s not his fault.
sure, but that’s not his fault.
yeah, there’s a disappointingly small number of effects, and that generally aren’t that crazy.
yeah, different games for different folk. i find this headline promising. it makes me more interested in the game.
for some small context my favorite games include baldur’s gate and other games like it, red dead redemption, path of exile, and civilization. games with either infinite variety in playstyle, or incredibly rich worlds to explore. ideally both.
what are some of yours?
damn, i just have a totally different midset about games. i don’t give a shit about achievements, i want to take time to explore and be rewarded for doing so with interesting extra content that you have to look for.
replayability is also a major factor in how much i like a game. I don’t want to blitz through a game a go on to the next. i don’t get anything out of “completing” it. I’d rather one game last a long long time. i want to keep coming back to it.
yeah, plus there’s only one launcher, and possibly thousands of games.
you could repurpose this headline to literally any creative or journalistic industry these days. “x industry is being propped up by underpaid freelancers” is just a fact of life now. it’s just so much cheaper when you don’t owe them any benefits or dignity or anything at all in fact.
yeah no, this is just fixing the wording to better represent the truth that has always been.
this is because a California law recently passed requiring these kinds of purchases to inform consumers that they don’t actually own these games. valve decided it would be easier just to do this for everyone.
this has always been true for all digital games you purchased. the fact that you didn’t realize this is why the law was needed.
thanks California for being the only force fighting for consumers rights in the United States. i can see why conservatives give you so much shit. you do things that matter.
obviously a news show isn’t going to feel the same rewatching it. that’s not the point lol.
that would be like saying it’s dumb to preserve newspapers in libraries because it’s not going to feel as good rereading the “Hitler is dead” headline. people don’t look at old news to have a good time.
boy was it silly of us to preserve that kind of thing and it totally never comes in handy/s
that’s not even what people are upset about anyway. comedy Central mostly makes entertainment programming that isn’t news based and can still be enjoyed whenever. believe it or not, comedy Central has a lot of content that will stand the test of time. especially when looking at their stand-up catalogue.
this is the destruction of a library. a digital one, but a library none the less. that’s what people are mad about.
but you’re right. we should just dump all of our old movies and shows. they’re worthless moldy junk anyway… 🙄
i mean… it’s a big game. an hour is definitely not enough time to get the feel of a game like that.
hell I’ve never played it and have no strong feelings for or against it, but saying you quit after an hour is not much more than saying you never tried it at all.
like maybe it would be enough time to figure out it wasn’t for you if you don’t like shooters or complicated games in general, but to say it like you did. like you can’t understand how anyone could enjoy it is a bit… it makes you come of badly.
maybe they’re British, it’s pretty common over there to say “he’s fit” when calling someone attractive.
You can buy back a lot of stuff, but only from the scrap merchant in the border town. The new black cat guy. Valuable things that you sell will end up in his shop sometimes, though I don’t know when or why yet.
there’s always handheld gaming pcs being released and going nowhere. the current generation includes the rog Ally and the Lenovo legion.
if you don’t follow this stuff religiously you’ve probably never heard of them, but they are out there. it’s just that no one really buys them.
the steam deck is the first successful one, but companies have been trying to make something like this for years.