it’s not secure by design, since it’s not made to be secure, and also uses unstable versions of a lot of packages to make certain exploits work
it’s not secure by design, since it’s not made to be secure, and also uses unstable versions of a lot of packages to make certain exploits work
okay but who doesn’t want a tablet with replaceable batteries
replaceable batteries as in AA batteries
why should you open it up again, instead of just charging/replacing the repalceabke batteries
but replacing the battery doesn’t mean you get to have a tablet with replaceable batteries
android is very sandboxed, so anything you do in termux/userland can’t affect the android on your phone (unless you’re rooted)
if by cache you mean that your entire system is on your drive and that the hdd is for backups or games that you’re not currently playing but don’t want to reinstall, yes.