Factually inaccurate.
Factually inaccurate.
Unless the pidgin team are compiling the binaries themselves, this doesn’t really fix much.
Ideally we need reproducible builds.
Good question. Delete your account and see what happens!
If you use a swapfile on that setup…
Does that mean you’ve literally DOWNLOADED RAM???
If it were that simple they would have done it.
It’s sometimes (very often) not as simple as asking the compiler to switch architecture and hit the go button.
Google doesn’t control the Linux kernel.
The laptop won’t be 13.3 inches either.
The screen is measured diagonally.
The screen width won’t be 13 inches.
No, that was his wife.
It’s a new gnome release: they don’t add features. Just rework things internally to break any extensions you have, then remove features you were using to “simplify” things
If it’s the first one when why the fuck is it called the 4004 and not just the 1?!