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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • Hey thanks for the detailed explanations.

    Regarding SSO my concern is not the ChartDB team having my email, that I was planning to give anyway, but SSO provider knowing I’m using this tool. It’s a personal paranoia than anything else. I know it’s much safer and easier to have 3rd party SSO than managing your own authentication service. Done that, hated it. So not really that annoyed about it.

    The Mac only part really annoyed me to the core. Then I received an email telling about Buckle, which amplified it. I think the problem is you advertise it as ‘ChartDB 2.0’ and then suddenly it becomes ‘Buckle’. I can understand the thought process behind such presentations, but really don’t like it. TBH I would not be this mad if a similar tactic was used by a large corporation. But being an open source tool I have some ethical issues with these practices.

    Again, I know these are just some inconveniences, and not a scandal. So not really complaining, but just sharing how I felt. Apologies if that has been rude.

  • I have some critical comments not about the tool, but about another related stuff. Please look at the next section for doubts and suggestions.

    The tool need to be more clear and less annoying about ChartDB v2.0.

    So this is shown as some big rework, so I signed up. Only then it said only MacOS would support it initially. This was a huge disappointment and I felt kind of deceived into giving my email id I don’t remember seeing it’s only mac at the beginning on the sign up page. May be I missed.

    Another thing is it looks like a different product altogether with the name ‘Buckle’. Again I didn’t see it in the sign up section. Why a new product name? Are you switching to freemium model?

    Last but most importantly, why does a third party sign up for it? If you just want to inform the user when things are ready, just take the email and use it. No need to have access to my Google or GitHub account.

    Apart from this terrible experience, I love the tool and how it visualises it.

    I have a doubt. When I visualised my postgres db it also showed the views I had, apart from the tables. But I could not find an option to add a new view from the interface, so that I can use it as a more capable design tool. Is it a feature in the pipeline?

    Also I could not find an option to set the length of Type: varchar. I remember seeing this feature in other design tools.

  • Giving you the benefit of doubt here.

    “/s” technically means “this comment is sarcastic in nature”. But also commonly used with bad jokes and puns as well, indicating that this is indeed nonsense, and I’m aware of it, but I decided to say it anyway.

    The previous comment was just a bad and cliche joke that is common in internet forums, referencing the “Skynet” from the “Terminator” movie series.

  • sorter_plainview@lemmy.todaytoOpen Source@lemmy.mlVentoy Update
    5 months ago

    “I hope this message finds you well”, is a marker I have been using to detect GPT replies. Looks like this is from ChatGPT.

    Also it says “BLOB feature” and “BLOB functionality”. What in the coconut does that mean? “BLOB feature is an important aspect for our app.” Come on…

    It’s really pathetic that they didn’t even try to read it at least once.

  • sorter_plainview@lemmy.todaytoLinux@lemmy.mlBalenca vs Ventoy?
    5 months ago

    I have a different experience. There was one thread which linked to a github issue. The issue said some blobs don’t have source code. Ironically when I went on to check, the blobs mentioned in the issue had source code, but there were other blobs which seemed to miss the source or build instructions.

    I would love to have an independent audit to put this issue at rest. All that happens is more and more noise and no resolution. I am not a programmer so can’t really help here.