It’s not bad but I personally couldn’t get into it, too much dnd.
It’s not bad but I personally couldn’t get into it, too much dnd.
Yeah, the main reason doom can be considered more friendly is because the whole engine’s been taken apart and rebuilt by half the game industry by now
It’s more that most games aren’t made with consideration for modding, this means you can have core gameplay elements hidden in encrypted packages and modding is limited by what you can actually get access to. Sometimes the devs/publishers will actively make mods harder though. Really depends on the game, the company, how determined people are to mod it, how long the game’s been out for, the engine and probably a bunch else that I haven’t thought of right now.
Some games are super easy, press a button and it’s done (steam workshop and things like that), most games are pretty easy but it varies (drag and drop some files to a specific place, maybe do a load order) and then there’s the games that aren’t made in a mod friendly way and require a 50 step ritual to add a minor graphics update that probably won’t work the first 3 times because you forgot to add a patch on step 7b. Mass effect is definitely not a game designed to be modded, bg3 hasn’t had full official mod support that long afaik so some stuff is likely still hacky
I mean I’d love if things like chicken didn’t have all the icky bits
I know it’s a game journalism circlejerk so I shouldn’t have expectations but I’m still disappointed by this year’s choices overall.
I played it for a few hours a while back, it was alright. It also took me a couple of times to get into factorio so I can understand. Still prefer factorio though, great art style, incredibly polished game.
Yeah you can even postprocess it to be pretty similar to pixel art from the render
14, so yeah I guess that’s more of an exception. I did play a tiny bit of 13 but hated the combat
Do you normally control more than one character then? I’ve only ever controlled one character in the ff I’ve played so that sounds weird.
Well the way you said “we don’t need to play anything on Linux” implies that you’re against the idea, my response was asking what you’d be doing instead. I’m not lost, I was wondering what headspace you’re in that you’re against that entirely. However it looks like you meant it in a purely literal sense. Most games aren’t exploiting children though, so that’s why I’d draw a line there.
Well if you’d rather nobody plays anything on Linux then you obviously have something else in mind so it has everything to do with this. You’re the one insisting that it should only be used for some other purpose.
What would you rather do then?
What surprises me is how many developers haven’t realised that you can have a game that looks good without it being insane from a technical viewpoint, a solid art style does much more for a game than graphical fidelity. That being said, more graphics isn’t a bad thing as long as it’s not the only thing.
I guess some people enjoy ads
I’m happy, I finished the burning crusade story and got out. No more blizzard from me, probably ever.
Oh yeah it’s a slog, the great divider that everyone has to overcome. They need to do another pass on reducing the amount of stuff and one of the problems is that buried in the trivial ARR stuff is some important information for later. It’s sadly in a state of “just wait, it gets good after the first season”.
I’m just reminded of the fog men in kenshi