Mark Meer is great, and definitely worth playing thru to experience. Not quite at the same level as Jennifer Hale’s performance, but it was still absolutely brilliant.
Still, I hear this every time I hear Shepard talk to Dr. Chakwas.
Mark Meer is great, and definitely worth playing thru to experience. Not quite at the same level as Jennifer Hale’s performance, but it was still absolutely brilliant.
Still, I hear this every time I hear Shepard talk to Dr. Chakwas.
Journeys (the shoe chain) and Hollister Co. both use Linux distros on their point of sale machines. Hollister’s machines are pretty locked down and can basically only run the RPoS software, but a lot of Journeys’ software is browser-based, so they have to be a bit more capable.
Pretty sure they’re both custom distros, though.
I hated X because I found most of the characters sans Auron and Lulu to be incredibly obnoxious.
X-2 just made those problems worse by largely getting rid of the few characters I could tolerate, and somehow making Rikku even more annoying.
It says something about how good the combat was in those games that I managed to power my way thru X and a fair chunk of X-2 before it just got to be too much for me.
I hate X-2 with the burning fury of a thousand suns, and I’ll still praise the combat.
I’ve always said that the Railjack in Warframe really deserved to be its own game instead of a shoehorned game mode.
This looks like what that idea could be. Just being able to play Sea of Thieves IN SPACE!!! is a home-run of an idea.
Aaaaaaaaand you didn’t just take the option to sabotage them from the inside?
There’s plenty of options for that, you know.