Yeah that’s clearly Prince
Yeah that’s clearly Prince
Alas, doesn’t fit my purpose since it requires action by the script user. I usually just use perl in those situations
I can never get grep to work consistently on Mac and Linux. Now, ripgrep OTOH…
I remember Linus saying in an interview that he’d only really been involved in git for the first 6 months or so and that the other devs had managed it without him since then. This makes sense - Linus’s creations aren’t successful because he’s the only person who understands them, they’re successful because there are so many other collaborators on them.
Ah well fuck 'em then. Still, every time I go on there it’s fairly rich with memes and shitposts, and fairly low on everything else. Quite value that trickle of content.
I think it’s genuinely an ambition, it’s just technically very hard
Gnome 3 is pretty great
Everyone always dunkin’ on Perl, but I can’t even tell you how often it’s been the best tool for the job. Like, at least 3
If you can, just use Perl. Probably installed on your systems, even the ones without python.
There are two difficult problems in computer science. Naming things, and pairing with Bluetooth speakers.
Apparently I was thinking of ‘Conflicts in Civilization’, which was just a scenario set for the base Civ II game. Tbh I sucked hard at that game back then but in my defence I was too young to really get good strategy and just enjoyed building wonders
Civ II expansion was peak. I never felt better than the one time I managed to win as humans in the humanity Vs aliens scenario
What annoys me about cumslut go is that I like to put in fake searches to throw my FBI agent off the scent and it returns me random shit I don’t really want
Boy I can’t wait for the flash animation renaissance
Why use grub at all? If your laptop is compatible why not use rEFInd or something?
But he was the one I was looking for