Agree with the main point, though disagree that FOSS is “boycotting capitalism”, many for-profit companies contribute to FOSS and FOSS can be used by for-profit companies too, much of today’s capitalism runs on FOSS.
The point of free software is that it does not have owners, so what exactly are you “boycotting”?
There’s a helpful timeline on the right here:émon_(video_game_series)#Development
Shouldn’t be very hard to figure out from looking at a list of Pokémon games. RGBY = Red, Green, Blue, Yellow; GSC = Gold, Silver, Crystal; RSE = Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald; DPPt = Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, etc. etc.
TIL that you can declare return types this way in C++.
auto main() -> int
What programming language is this even?!
It’s somewhat more comparable to DMCA takedowns I think.
maybe, but there are also things it arguably does better than Linux, e.g. user access control
(If you can still find this story, I’d be very interested in it, please do link to it here.)
yeah I know, far from production-ready though
That is the literal opposite of what the world needs.
Windows isn’t a bad OS from a purely technical perspective. If Windows were released as FOSS, I would switch to Windows without hesitation.
No because Linux is a Unix-like kernel, so by definition the answer is no.
There are several links in the article. Otherwise that is what we have web search engines for.
KDE Plasma and it’s configured to have everything in the same places as Windows as much as possible. I have to use Windows for work and gaming and like it when I don’t have to think much about which computer I’m using right now.
inb4 Iceweasel
You think you’re the first person to have this bad idea? This was written in 2012 and I suggest you read it before posting anything here again.
KDE is a community of developers.
KDE Plasma is the desktop environment made by the KDE community.
This has been the correct terminology since 2009, much longer than “the past year or so”, but a lot of people do still call KDE Plasma just “KDE” colloquially, so maybe you have just been noticing people using the correct terminology more recently.
I was once asked to not post within a few seconds. Since then I’ve made a habit of waiting a few minutes between posts, since then I’ve not gotten any complaints.
I think you can even do it in Organic Maps itself? In OsmAnd definitely.
OpenStreetMap data is exactly as good as volunteers made it.
I still do, but I’m not very young anymore, most people who regularly use TikTok are probably younger than me.
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Have you looked into Matrix?