What?!? I’ve been wanting a fairphone forever and couldn’t find a place to send it stateside. This is great.
What?!? I’ve been wanting a fairphone forever and couldn’t find a place to send it stateside. This is great.
I have a withings and I really like it. Their privacy policy made me feel better about allowing my info on the cloud. You can run it offline (it sends weight via Bluetooth to the app but won’t show 7-day trend an scale screen without wifi). I don’t mind that, so I leave it disconnected. I don’t use a home assistant though so I can’t speak to that part.
I have the withings watch also, so I use the app as my catch all health tracker which works well. it’s nice to have everything together. Can’t speak to any others but I’d recommend withings.
Yeah, but the non-tech savvy business leaders see they can generate code with AI and think ‘why do I need a developer if I have this AI?’ and have no idea whether the code it produces is right or not. This stat should be shared broadly so leaders don’t overestimate the capability and fire people they will desperately need.
He works for a marketing and web design firm. So the guy who designed their graphics is gone and they are using AI tools. Imagine paying for a firm to build you web and marketing materials only to have someone just use an AI.
Why bother paying the marketing firm at all?
Whenever I think of the good old days of the internet (like 2000-2009) I think of using stumbleupon and finding the best and most random stuff.
Omg that looks awesome!
Bummer that they’re out of stock…