I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I considered that, and the reason I decided to go with the method I chose was twofold:

    1. I of course need to be safe - that means I don’t want to run unsafe kernel code on my main machine, so a virtual machine makes sense. I could use one of my old laptops as both a host and target machine, but honestly I have my main machine set up just how I like it for development so I would probably end up using it for writing the actual code anyway. I suppose I could have one of my laptops be the target and pull code from github (exactly what I was planning to do with the virtual machine just with real hardware).

    2. I didn’t want to introduce more problems than would naturally occur when going through the book while learning, by adding the fact that I have a great mismatch in kernel versions, which would undoubtedly change the APIs a great deal. I learn better when I can focus on getting comfortable with one thing at the beginning, and then building from there. If its not as tragic as I imagine it though (the mountain looks larger before you start the climb) I would definitely prefer getting comfortable with the modern kernel as ultimately that’s what I plan to develop on (this all started because I want to fix some stuff with my Genesis Xenon 770 mouse that I’m unhappy with currently).

    However, I am open to the idea. Could you direct me to any resources you found helpful specifically for adapting what you read/learn in that book, to the modern kernel? Or any other helpful resources really, anything would be helpful at this point. Discords, forums, wikis, whatever you have :)

  • SteamTinkerLaunch worked like a charm! Here’s what I had to do to get it to work, for anyone who stumbles across this post:

    • Install the package pacman -S steamtinkerlaunch
    • Run the command steamtinkerlaunch compat add to initialise it
    • Add it as the required compatibility layer in the game I wanted (SH3) then restart steam
    • Launch the game - the steamtinkerlaunch window opens. Click on the MAIN MENU button before it launches the game
    • From the new steamtinkerlaunch window that opens, click on “One time run”. This opens yet another window
    • In the field “One time command” navigate to where I had LSH3_2022 downloaded, and select it
    • Click on RUN COMMAND
    • Follow the install steps in the LSH3 manual
    • Repeat the steps related to “One time run” again but this time select the JSGME installer, and go through that installation
    • Launch JSGME again using “One time run” and enable any mods I need (although LSH3 has a 1920x1080 widescreen mod included, this doesnt seem to work at least on my setup. I had to enable the Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final mod)
    • Launch the game. It should work.

    So far I completed the first training mission to make sure most things work. Hopefully there aren’t any issues further on down the road. Thanks for the suggestion, I had no idea this tool existed, but now I will probably be using it quite a bit!