I can’t even begin to fathom what they would cook up
woah holy shit a bio?
I can’t even begin to fathom what they would cook up
Ok that third one, come the fuck on.
Like don’t even pretend. You could never ride nearly the number of Pokemon you can compared to Pals in Palworld.
That’s basically patenting riding a fucking horse
And then, compare it to No Man’s Sky, who gave us lofty expectations, failed to deliver on launch, but actually kept with it despite no new revenue flowing into the game from existing buyers. And now we have something incredible. We have a universe that is unfathomably large. We have multiplayer, we have all sorts of events and quests. Freighters! You can piece together your own ships now.
I hope we can eventually build space stations or pilot Capital Ships. No Man’s Sky came out in 2016. In 8 years it has done far more than SC has done with far less of a budget.
Do I wish we could have everything that Roberts promised? Sure. But I also have a bridge to sell that you can at least walk over.
Good lord if that ain’t the truth.
It has every opportunity to be good, but I can’t even navigate the goddamn menus, let alone step into my ship.
Forget about using something other than a mouse and keyboard too, it just won’t work.
Oh that’s easy.
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter Freedom
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Monster Hunter World/Iceborne
Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak
I guess you could say I like Monster Hunter
Heh. You’ll learn pretty quick what you can, can’t do. The ghost people (the haunted things I mentioned) cant be killed unless dismembered. It’s also a constant health drain rate in the Cloud regardless of resistance (it’s corrosive, not poison)
This whole DLC is a nightmare. With those damn haunted things popping out of the fog. I don’t even remember if the hazmat suit protects you from it that much either.
Sure, but, technically, without Gacha games I would t have discovered my ex wife sexting another dude. Because she was attempting to hide the money she spent in credit cards I didn’t have access to, then wanted me to pay.
Which led me to digging around, discovering the unaltered statement, then she got drunk and the phone was open in her hand playing some stupid virtual bingo and a snap popped up and wouldnt you know it
Ok haven’t heard of that I’ll look it up
Is it still kicking? I didn’t have a lot of success with it in the past, I’ll give it another shot
I love my PS5.
But I also just got a Ryzen 9 5900x for $300 off, I have a RTX 2070 Super. My PS5 can play games with HDR at 4k at 30fps. Big ol 65" screen. With the Ryzen 7 3700x I could get like 70 FPS on cyberpunk 2077 on my 2k monitor 27" screen, no HDR with DLSS3 enabled.
The processor upgrade alone was an huge boost to game quality for $250. Since I now don’t have to replace all my internals to utilize an RTX 4080 Super, I’m getting one of those.
The RTX 4080 Super has an HDMI 2.1 port, so I can use VRR on my TV and enjoy the 120hz smooth frame rate.
The PS5 pro is essentially the same as the PS4 Pro was the last generation. It you have a PS5, you won’t notice a huge difference.
I was literally looking at playing again with the Sailing announcement
Now it’s… No. I remember $5 back in the day and that was awesome.
Ooooo and it’s on sale.
I wish. There are things we have been unable to change, even with the assistance of a couple of child psychologists.
When he gets upset with other kids, particularly when they break rules, he is absolutely convinced he needs to be the executive of the rules and often hits or pushes the other kids.
He was doing it before my ex and I separated. It only seems to happen during the summer at the day care program, so it’s likely something more going on there.
Kids are still humans, and honestly I have to remind myself I’m doing the best I can. Because if I knew a better way to do things, I’d be doing that instead.
To me it’s not about raising a superstar, it’s raising someone who shares my values, and is capable of caring for themselves as an adult. Socializing and play is the most vital part of childhood development, so I do everything I can there.
It is the single most difficult thing as a parent to put my foot down about. Or it was at first.
My son LOVES watching the YouTubers playing the (horribly developed) games and enjoys making pretend games based on what he watches (some of it, sometimes we have to skip a video). He has a lot of friends at school that play it.
I will not let my son play it. Minecraft? Sure. Minecraft has a very different system, plenty of it crap, but it’s much easier to supervise and much less exploitive.
But he does let me know that he feels left out when his friends play it and he can’t. He doesn’t have any siblings, so I understand how it’s difficult to lack that connection to peers. He has other ways he gets to connect - mine craft, local playgyms, events for children, sports.
As a parent part of the empathy is feeling that sadness that comes from his disappointment in not being allowed to play it. But I think he has started to understand as he’s gotten a little older, that adults making money off of what a kid makes isn’t nice, or fair, or safe.
Turkey did well here. I don’t think we’ll ever have something similar in the states, but I hope regulation can come about eventually.
That… Is quite a stretch.
Elden ring is their easiest game
If you doubt this, go start a new play through on Dark Souls II.
Yeah, Capcom figured that out ages ago with Monster Hunter.
They tweak some movesets on the skeletons, they improve the ai a bit. They create new textures, and spend their time making endgame bosses a more unique.
My favorite example is Kushala Daora. I don’t exactly know how many times his skeleton has been reused, but I know Monster Hunter World had at least three reuses of it.
But they always have unique fights for final bosses, even if the Elder Dragon reused assets.
Programming is all about reuse in general. Reuse is part of good applications.