Admin of the Bestiverse

  • 0 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024

  • I can’t help, just chiming in to say that I’ve also had that experience with Immich. It’s the one service I’ve used that has somehow managed to break itself multiple times like this.

    No idea how it happens, I don’t do anything weird with the setup and it just breaks. I’d heard that feedback from other people too but didn’t believe it until it happened to me. It’s been a few months so maybe I’ll try again, I’m just not too happy importing hundreds of gigs of photos multiple times.

    So yea just… you’re not alone, good luck.

  • ~15k lines of actual Rust code.

    @   git clone && cd linux && tokei
    Cloning into 'linux'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 10655741, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (1067/1067), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (208/208), done.
    remote: Total 10655741 (delta 961), reused 859 (delta 859), pack-reused 10654674 (from 3)
    Receiving objects: 100% (10655741/10655741), 5.13 GiB | 13.37 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (8681589/8681589), done.
    Updating files: 100% (87840/87840), done.
     Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
     Alex                    2          222          180            0           42
     ASN.1                  15          656          441           87          128
     Assembly               10         5226         4764            0          462
     GNU Style Assembly   1336       372898       271937        56600        44361
     Autoconf                5          433          377           26           30
     Automake                3           31           23            3            5
     BASH                   59         2029         1368          352          309
     C                   34961     24854959     18510957      2766479      3577523
     C Header            25450     10090846      7834037      1503620       753189
     C++                     7         2267         1946           81          240
     C++ Header              2          125           59           55           11
     CSS                     3          295          172           69           54
     Device Tree          5582      1744314      1430810        83215       230289
     Gherkin (Cucumber)      1          333          199           97           37
     Happy                  10         6049         5332            0          717
     HEX                     2          173          173            0            0
     INI                     2           13            6            5            2
     JSON                  894       542554       542552            0            2
     LD Script               8          377          289           29           59
     Makefile             3062        81226        55970        12993        12263
     Module-Definition       2          128          113            0           15
     Objective-C             1           89           72            0           17
     Perl                   61        43843        34461         3909         5473
     Python                280        84204        66996         5198        12010
     RPM Specfile            1          131          111            2           18
     ReStructuredText     3672       761388       577410            0       183978
     Ruby                    1           29           25            0            4
     Shell                 957       187353       130476        23721        33156
     SVG                    79        52122        50727         1303           92
     SWIG                    1          252          154           27           71
     TeX                     1          234          155           73            6
     Plain Text           1455       134747            0       110453        24294
     TOML                    3           47           28           12            7
     Unreal Script           5          671          415          158           98
     Apache Velocity         1           15           15            0            0
     Vim script              1           42           33            6            3
     XSL                    10          200          122           52           26
     XML                    24        22177        19862         1349          966
     YAML                 4545       512759       417504        19285        75970
     HTML                    2           28           22            3            3
     |- JavaScript           1            7            7            0            0
     (Total)                             35           29            3            3
     Markdown                1          248            0          177           71
     |- BASH                 1            2            2            0            0
     |- C                    1           20           12            6            2
     (Total)                            270           14          183           73
     Rust                   91        15207        11065         2248         1894
     |- Markdown            85         7773          747         5253         1773
     (Total)                          22980        11812         7501         3667
     Total               82608     39520940     29971358      4591687      4957895