Truly one of the worst adaptions ever made. It’s astonishing that people might have actually tried and worked hard to make this heap of garbage.
Usually, in trash movies/TV you can see the vision at least and understand how maybe studio executives, or lack of technology, or even lack of ability destroyed the project. The kernel of what originally sold it is still there. But with Halo, I didn’t see any of that. Everything was bad. Nobody cared, and nobody tried.
As a person who hates phones, I love this game. I got accepted into the beta a week or two ago and having a game that doesn’t require me to touch my phone all the time is my favorite thing.
The only thing that would make it better is integration with other smart device step counters. Being able to play (more like progress I guess) a phone game while not even carrying my phone would be hilarious. I am sure you’re getting hounded by people about this non-stop.