It’s short for Terms of Service.
It’s short for Terms of Service.
Are you talking about archinstall or have they actually automated the default installation method?
Do yourself a favour and install it on a virtual machine first. Screwing up an install on Arch is frighteningly easy. The Arch Wiki is your friend, use it. Also, read the installation instructions before you begin the installation, not during. If this sounds like too much of a headache (understandably so), then give EndeavourOS a whirl.
What’s the third logo? I recognize the rest, but not the rotated blue G or whatever it is.
Yeah, it’s normal. There are so many flavours of Linux out there, why wouldn’t you want to try some of them?
The founder’s shady history with OpenFeint, their entire privacy policy and shit like this, take your pick. Wikipedia also has an entire section dedicated to Discord’s controversies. No matter how you look at it, Discord has a great many shortcomings.
The quality of the game isn’t why The Crew makes a good target. It’s because it’s made by Ubisoft, which is based in France. And France has some pretty strict consumer protection laws. Were this, say, EA, which is based in the US, the lawsuit would be a non-starter. In adddition to that, France is a part of EU, which means Ubisoft has to comply with EU law in addition to the aforementioned French laws. So if this goes through, they will have to fight this on at least two fronts. The Crew is also a singleplayer game with an online component, which shouldn’t be necessary for the game to function, but here we are.
So to sum up: the lawsuit is not because people are super passionate for The Crew (though some probably are), but because if you’re going to make an example of a game, your best shot is suing a company which is located in a country with good customer protection laws. The Crew just happened to fit that bill.
Shouldn’t be too hard. There are loads of alternatives out there on various platforms.
Tell me about it. Now they’re just Steam Key Reseller #46498.
lol, that is so unnecessary.
Hm, didn’t know about that. By the way, what is the word that is showing up as removed?
What’s wrong with Newpipe?
And mine. And probably everyone else’s since the only banking app I can find on F-Droid is something called Varengold.
To be clear, XMPP is the name of the protocol, not the app. If an XMPP app with a Discord-like UI is what you’re after, then Converse.js is probably your best bet. Here’s what it looks like.
Check out mister Mainstream over here. The rest of us snooty OS connoisseurs use Collapse OS.
I started playing the first Nioh. Send help.
I know, I would love to see more games using that style! Then again, I completely understand that it might be easier for some devs to use skeletal animation on voxel models instead of making a static voxel model for every frame of animation.
I loved Picross 3D 2 (or Round 2 or whatever it was called) on the 3DS! As you surmised, it’s not what I’m looking for, but I’ll try to snag it the first chance I get. Thanks!
Just finished Yakuza 0 and am psyched to start Yakuza Kiwami (which is a remake of the first Yakuza game). The action is soo good. Beating the shit out of enemies is already satisfying enough, but where it gets really good is when you build up something called a Heat meter as you’re fighting. Once it builds up, you get access to Heat Actions and they are nuts.
I mean just look at this madness (spoilers for move unlocks)!