That’s the first thing I thought about. Such a good nugget.
That’s the first thing I thought about. Such a good nugget.
I like it because I use it for MELT in general. Prometheus generally does metrics and if you want to include logs, traces and events, it becomes more cumbersome. With the Otel collector, I can just update my collector configuration to point to the various services.
I’m not saying OP can’t use what you suggested, just stating what I would use.
I would use OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and Grafana…
I like Micsrosofts office suite, but I hate virtually everything else. I got tired of their recent decisions and bought an Apple laptop, partly because I’m getting into iOS development and wanted that experience. But my other computer is dual booted with Fedora and Windows for when I absolutely need Windows, I’ll swap over, bit rarely do I outside of some gaming.
That’s the first one I thought of as well. And your third point, too… Haha
Good luck. The market is rough out there.
Answer your question. The article says that.