if its truly end to end encrypted
Telegram chats aren’t end-to-end encrypted by default, and group messages cannot be encrypted. Just saying.
if its truly end to end encrypted
Telegram chats aren’t end-to-end encrypted by default, and group messages cannot be encrypted. Just saying.
I’ve already seen people suggesting “expand on hover” to Mozilla, on Connect, I think. Hoping they consider it, later on.
Sometimes, there are already resources explaining more clearly and thoroughly than we could. And although I’m unsure if this case qualifies, there are definitely topics that can’t be reduced to a few sentences. Thus, a reputable link is often worth more to both sides: it saves the explainer time and effort while informing the target far better.
If you don’t want to engage with the content, I believe there are better ways to go about it than being rude to people who were likely trying to help.
Love ncdu
! If you’re into trying out alternatives with extra features, take a look at dua
, too.
I played through the entirety of TF2 on Linux a while back, so I’m curious as to what’s the issue. Please share more details about your system and steam setup when you can.
Ah, figures, thank you. I still don’t get it, with the counts I’m seeing, but I think we’ve gone deep enough down this comment chain already.
what does that even mean
Yeah, you do you. I don’t think posting to three relevant communities is being annoyingly self-promotional, though. Two of them are literally just the same community in two different instances. Why, I find it weird there’s no post to [email protected]
I assumed your first comment was a complaint that they were posting in too many communities. I was disagreeing and presenting why I think that assessment would be incorrect, and sneakily trying to hint that you might want to consider a different app/frontend if this was bothering you.
I only found three posts, all in (at least) semi-relevant communities. I think my frontends of choice only show me one, then reference the others below as crossposts.
Right, Apple doesn’t have an ad-revenue & tracking empire to protect, and should Safari adopt PPA, the discussion changes. It would no longer be the API used merely by Firefox with its (estimated) 2.7% user base trying to gain any traction, it could be Chrome holding back the tech used by a cumulative (estimated) 20% of web users. That’s a very different conversation.
Also, despite advertisers and big tech’s best efforts, the chance remains that legislation is passed somewhere imposing stricter privacy protections on the web. Again, should that happen, PPA might be well positioned as an alternative to past methods of measuring ad effectiveness that advertisers wouldn’t necessarily like… but any alternative that works could make them less resistant to such an important change.
All hypothetical, of course, but if you never consider future possibilities, what are you even aiming for?
Haven’t finished reading the article because I need to go out, I plan to do so later, but is this… Is this actually a sane and nuanced take on the complex browser scene and its issues? Did not expect that in my tech media bingo today.
That’s a shame! Be good if someone could look into that later. Glad you found something that works, though.
Very simple, “just works.” Great if you want to make a one-time transfer and don’t care about syncing files over time.
I love Syncthing, KDE Connect (why is it not Konnect?) and others, but they might be a bit “extra” for this case.
I can’t imagine any way this is possible without crowdsourced information, and at that point you’re just interacting with a community (likely the same one as you already are) through a different interface.
But if such an interface existed, it could be a cool project.
Unrelated, but I just found out there’s a .youtube
TLD. Not sure how to feel about this.
Some features of premium actually sound really interesting, but I find myself struggling to reconcile my interest in both those features and the general idea of an internet that isn’t built upon ads with my strong dislike of Google and a sincere wish to give them as little money as possible.
Oh bummer, forgot about that. Assuming it needn’t be my only/main account, I could create a p.dev
one, if it helps.
No modding experience, but Linux & tech news remain a strong hyperfixation interest of mine. If that’s enough, I could give it a shot.
It seems less anti-theft and more “data protection in case of theft.”
I’m not sure that’s a fair assessment (after all, what should a proper anti-theft measure even look like, then?), but that’s the best way I can describe it. From what I can tell, it’s more tech that attempts to lock the screen when it believes your phone isn’t safe.
More data protection is always nice, provided it works. Was AI the best way to do it? No idea. Don’t know if it’ll help with the actual theft any, since I believe the stolen phones are usually factory reset and then resold all over. User data was never the main appeal.
It’s mildly funny that this will be tested in Brazil. Something that is a bit fitting, a bit sad, yet I can’t help snorting at.
The subtle ways having a toxic community affects unconscious design decisions. It’s a message.
…joking, to be clear. Could be a raindrop.