android, and I mean all of them, lags like hell on 2Gb RAM
False. The key is the software you use. I use Lineage OS without Gapps, most apps from F-droid and my mid-range Samsung runs pretty smoothly with 2GB of RAM.
android, and I mean all of them, lags like hell on 2Gb RAM
False. The key is the software you use. I use Lineage OS without Gapps, most apps from F-droid and my mid-range Samsung runs pretty smoothly with 2GB of RAM.
Did you know that not everyone on Lemmy has or wants a Google Pixel?
My friend’s phone screen broke. So whenever he received an incoming call, he would take a wired mouse out of his pocket and connect it to his phone to answer the call.
and … no offence guys but probably more likely to rely on porn
Pornhub’s 2024 statistics show that almost 5% of traffic came from Linux devices. This number doesn’t include PCs that are used purely for work (probably).
The only browser that supports proper extensions such as Ublock origin (which is much more advanced than the built-in adblockers in other browsers).
Offtopic story: Sometime ago I needed 2 gamepads. So I went to the mall and bought 2 Acer gamepads for 35€ each. I unboxed them right after I left the shop. They were wired and looked and felt exactly like 5€ chinese gamepads. So I immediately returned them and went to another shop in the same mall where I got a pair of Speedlink Rait controllers for 22€ each. They feel very well-built, just like an xbox controller and are supported by all OS and console emulators out of the box. It basically shows up as a Switch Pro controller, so it’s perfectly supported by Yuzu.
Yes, it seems that Google removed this feature from the Contacts app. I also tried the Contacts app from Google, and it doesn’t have the ‘Export to SIM’ button either
I use Google Camera mod. I don’t care that it’s not FOSS because it isn’t connected to the internet.
Mock my GPS (mock the GPS and Network location providers) https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.warren_bank.mock_location/
Hide Mock Location (Xposed module to hide the mock location setting) https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.thepiemonster.hidemocklocation/
Aurora store doesn’t work for me on X86 platform. Neigher through Waydroid neither through Android Studio emulator. It just hangs after initial setup.
My RPi4 refused to start with a 2x2.5" hard drive, so I did some workarounds. I connected the USB 3.0 +5V pin to the GPIO and powered the RPi using a PD trigger with MINI 560 (5A DC-DC converter). In my case, a random 18W QC brick was enough.
Yt-dlp still works for me on Android, but only for h264 videos. When I try to download VP9, I get an error.
Open browser and go to piped/individious page. If your console doesn’t have browser than suffer.
I would not pay anyway. This is a principled position after I was shown a fraudulent advertisement 10 times in one evening (which used children with cancer to manipulate emotions)
Smarttubenext. I even install it on every hotel TV I use.
It works similarly to Android and iOS. The system partition is read-only, and each new system update is applied as a new system partition image. All user apps are kept separate from the system and are sandboxed.
https://github.com/angristan/wireguard-install Try this script
No parts manufacturers will do the extra work to make them work for Linux
They just don’t want to. Now they can stop releasing security patches and users would buy new hardware.
Gboard voice typing backend: