Valid lol. I was more trying to come up with a list of games you could get for probably a combined like 30 bucks during sales
Valid lol. I was more trying to come up with a list of games you could get for probably a combined like 30 bucks during sales
Agreed in my case, but I don’t think Factorio is for everyone realistically
Plus, all those games regularly go on sale for super cheap and factorio has and will never go on sale
In my personal opinion, the steam starter pack should be:
Considering their recent lawsuit, them ripping off Minecraft is hilarious
Why’d you bring up tem tem specifically? It’s supposed to be “Pokemon but an MMO”. That’s the entire appeal. I had Pokemon loving friends that played it at launch and loved it dearly. It’s sad that it’s died, but if you want a single player version of tem tem, there’s about 22 Pokemon games according to Bulbapedia. Go play one of those.
Steam does an indie show case almost every week, to the point it’s almost annoying. Idk how you’ve apparently missed every single one of them
Nexus Mods confirmed they didn’t do it
Obsidian is just sooooo good. I hate that you (technically 😉) have to pay for multi device sync, but the UI and UX are excellent, especially if you’re already proficient in markdown
Haven’t tried logseq before, so I can’t compare
The mod for artificer is excellent! It’s a touch unbalanced, especially if you take the correct infusion, but overall I had a ton of fun with it last playthrough!
Do be aware that if you go Battle Smith, the “upgraded” robot you get in act 3 doesn’t auto navigate well. We’d get across the map and he’d still be chilling at the blushing mermaid. The basic robot also struggles on navigation, but not nearly as badly
It should be quite a few mods. The beta testers have reported being able to do a ton of stuff way easier
The delay does suck though
That’s fair.
I also can’t blame them for ditching WotC ASAP. Their legacy properties feel like pump and dumps lately. Take a look at how many magic sets released in 2010 compared to today. Then their reportedly “backwards compatible” 5.5e isn’t gonna be backwards compatible at all, and despite a decade of feedback, they still managed to fuck up more than one class completely. Bank of America dropped their ass for extreme product fatigue.
I wouldn’t want to bet my company’s future on WotC. I wouldn’t want to bet my worst enemy’s future on WotC’s.
I think that’s true for everything but civ 2. It seems like everyone agrees 2 is just better
Have we hit the “underrated classic” phase of DS2? Awesome, I loved the game!
Just make it not legal for third party hardware vendors to sell computers with pre-installed operating systems
As the “local IT guy”, please no. Please. I have better things to do than to babysit a windows installation every single time someone buys a new computer.
Plus, having to buy a windows licence on top of already expensive laptops will just drive us faster into the tablet driven hellscape I fear is coming.
They’re in horrible legal ground. What they did was illegal (though not necessarily wrong), but now they’re risking dying on this hill, which will cause people to lose a valuable service. They need to surrender the hill before it’s too late, if it’s not too late already
And DA4 got almost remade to remove the live service features
What’s Bethesdas excuse?
Their main argument for not donating to Wikipedia is because it’s improperly monetized?
Good. I’m sick of everything good having to have every single aspect of it monetized. Fuck the modern corporate internet
Yeah, not a penny of the extra $10 is being passed along
Once all that crap came out, I felt incredibly justified by never having switched to Proton.
It was entirely out of laziness, but still