I like Cyberpunk. Not as much as the Witcher 3 and I think that’s mostly because I didn’t like the npcs as much. Jackie is about the only one you have a positive relationship with and he’s gone in an instant.
Can you recommend any mods?
I use both. GIMP is still good
I’ve used GIMP for decades and it’s never crashed on me. Krita and Inkscape are also great imo. I’ve used photoshop. It’s fine. I really think issues with the UI are mostly just an issue of what you’re used to. I see exactly the same thing with people switching to Blender or Vi uses trying to use any otherr editor in the world
Your comprehension issues are a you problem
Like, obviously?
Name checks out
Oh yeah. Had exactly the same experience. Thought I was doing OK for a while but came to realise that there are some things that are white hard to do in that game with mouse and kb
With auto aim off?
Took me the longest time to get used to controllers as well. I’m pleased that o know how to use both though. Each scheme is the best at something
Pretty sure you misunderstood the point being made.
Wouldn’t even be in my top 10. I loved the world, I just wished the story would go away and just allow me to experience it by myself. To. Me it felt like amazing technology being wasted on a decidedly average game
Rather the opposite. I didn’t like the game
I felt the game doesn’t lean onto the open world idea hard enough for my liking. But I’m an outlier. I finished the game but ai thought it was a bit shit. Very pretty though
Holy sense of entitlement Batman. What as asshole. If it doesn’t work for you, fine, don’t use it. But no need to be a prick about it. Free software doesn’t owe you anything at all.
Indies use twitter to create buzz. Be snide all you like but that’s a big deal for those people.
It is, by definition, not inaction. However I agree that change is too slow.
It used to be SFA now it’s 30% number go up is positive
I don’t actually like the game but boy am I impressed with the dev. I was critical early on but he more than exceeded expectations. I wish them all the success in the world