Yeah, that’s always a good plan.
Hey I’m going to have a discussion with you because honestly she’s kind of unhinged and needs to be back on the pole.
Hey did you know that revenue from the gaming industry for the past 40-ish years went from 15 billion to 183 billion since 2022?
I do wonder where on that timeline woke took down the industry.
Hey did you know baldur’s Gate 3, full of inclusion, sold 15 million copies? They went woke and made a shit ton of money making a great game.
Did you also know that marvel rivals, that somehow idiots think it’s woke earned 130 million in it’s first month. I mean that’s a whole other capitalism conversation but still.
I don’t know, I know pigeons can’t play and shouldn’t play chess but can they pole dance?
Just down vote and move on. She’s just a troll with no facts or figures, she just wants your attention that Daddy never gave her growing up. It was either the pole or the troll for her.
At least most aren’t like FROM software requiring you have two friends.
Come on, she’s too Republican to ever admit she’s wrong. Just down here, block and move on since she just craves attention that Daddy never have her.
It’s the only response required when you don’t even have any evidence, empirical or otherwise, to back up your moroinc claim.
Go away pigeon, you can’t play chess.
Such a moronic take based on absolutely nothing.
It’s a ‘meh’ game at best.
Nah, executive bonuses and whaleholder dividends needed to be higher.
This is absolutely 3dfx level of screwing over consumers and all about just faking frames to get their “performance”.
Depends on how big of a masochist you are and how much jank you can take. :)
Give the original a shot first just to experience it and if it isn’t quite for you, go for 2, you won’t be missing anything and they also cleanup and updated the voice acting so it fits better.
Just fyi in case you didn’t know, pathologic 2 is a expanded remaster of 1. Enjoy the misery and rpg subversion!
Oh come on, we know what you’re trying to say to your wife here…
I just put in a purchase and no, it did not ask me to re-enter the CCV.
There’s a dedicated fan base of one apparently.
Honestly. Why?
Log into Xbox to log into PSN. Just a few more layers and we’ll have Inception.
Just their artistic vision and game design philosophy, which I can both respect and go WTF at the same time. Like with their steadfast refusal to provide the option to turn off invasions.
The weird thing is that hardware unboxed tested the same overlay settings in the old GeForce app and didn’t see that hit in performance.
Really seems like they have a software bug with this new software.
I mean after the two heads left, one does have wonder.