They review-bombed BG3? For shame. Why?
They review-bombed BG3? For shame. Why?
I wasn’t aware, but basically this confirms my suspicion above regarding how this is playing out in the Chinese psyche so to speak.
While he comes off as a jerk, and possibly is one, I can understand the sentiment, having spent a few years of my life among ethnically Chinese people in Asia. There is this drive and aspiration to be recognized by leading brands in the West as equals, perhaps even betters. Due to a history of subservience and shame and a strong nationalistic current seeking to undo that.
This game is one of the most ambitious and accomplished to come out of China and they’re hungering for that kind of recognition. So it is likely that fans of the game feel it was ‘stolen’ from them and he seems to be responding to that sentiment. To us it looks petty, but to some of the game’s most ardent Chinese fans this may have been an appropriate response. Not sure how this was received in China though, just speculating.
Ah and for a moment there I thought it would have been so cool if a developer were to publicly admit they fell asleep during gameplay…
That is odd that nobody could tell this wouldn’t be for you @[email protected]
Dude! How on earth… maybe pick up writing, the last sentence was fire.
Why don’t we have a modern version of that? I’d love a modern well-animated fancy chess game.
I’d say Baldur’s Gate 3.
With Demons’ Souls a close second. For those of us who got to play that game before Dark Souls became a thing, when we knew next to nothing about what to expect, it was an almost revelatory experience.
Hey thanks, both AW1 and Control are games I might pick up again. Didn’t hate them, they just didn’t really hook me.
I found the pacing of the first few chapters in the first Alan Wake sublime, in terms of storytelling. The gameplay frustrated me on the other hand, became quickly monotonous and tedious for me. So I only played like a third of the game, much as I liked the story and was curious to see where it went. Then Control I was left completely unmoved by. So I’ve been hesitating to take up the second Alan Wake, basically because I didn’t much like the first iteration, or Control, which I’ve heard is somehow connected. Maybe I’m missing out. Or maybe these games appeal only to a certain audience.
Never used this. Never cared for it 🤷🏻♂️
Much of this looks good. But some of it looks painfully mid/generic. Might still be fun.
Well with an average in the 80s on metacritic one would assume it’s a very decent game. But user reviews tend to be a lot harsher indeed.
Thanks for the review. Disappointing to be sure. I was hoping to play it at some point and that it wouldn’t suck as much as people say it does. Or that they would turn it around in time.
Sometimes I wonder whether Starfield truly deserves all the bad publicity or whether people are also still upset because it became an Xbox exclusive and that is clouding their judgement. I know it does affect me for one. I got a ps5 for gaming and I’m automatically much less interested in anything that isn’t on the platform. And I was of course very disappointed when Microsoft outright bought all these huge IPs and made them exclusive to Xbox.
I’m waiting for the ultimate edition that will include everything here
This thread is like a lesson in the importance of x and y axes range in time series plots
Yeah it is confusing. Anyway, I still prefer to judge a game on its merits primarily and not on whether some of the people behind it are jerks or hold views antithetical to my own.
This is possibly fake as noted on another thread.
So I checked and could not find any review bombing. If there was one, it was tiny and not worth talking about.