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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Great game. First got recommended it here (I saw the game before but didn’t really pay much attention to it) and I love it so much. I’ve always stayed away from city builders cause I feel like they turn into something I don’t really care for as the game goes on, but the short scale rogue lite nature of this works incredibly well for me.

    I really like that settlements are inherently temporary and that the game throws a lot of wrenches at me. It’s a good reminder to try and strive for flexibility rather than optimization. Settlements don’t have to be perfect (and likely won’t be), they just have to work well enough to get to the next.

    They’ve also added a ton of content and quality of life stuff since I last played a few patches ago. The UI still has some issues, but auto loading saved production limits and the overlay keys for buildings and workers make it so much easier to see what’s going on at a macro level.

    Tip for new players: after you get your bearing in game (maybe 1 or 2 settlements), take some time to just go through and check out the overlays. You can easily do stuff like move workers around or see and adjust recipes of all buildings on your map at once. I only just found those options and it’s a godsend compared to menu diving.

  • Hell yeah, 4U is a great intro to the series. I started with Freedom Unite but it didn’t stick. Played Tri for the wii and that’s what really got me into it (which is weird cause tri is clunky as hell and I think has the least content of any mainline game).

    Never really got into charge blade, but GenU did a lot of favors for my two favorite weapons at the time, great sword and gunlance, and the online bosses are absolutely nuts.

    Rise is probably my favorite gameplay wise, but I prefer the pre-world armor skill system, and I’m not too keen on the Sunbreak endgame grind.

    As far as old titles go, Freedom Unite is very iconic and has a ton of content, but I like portable 3rd way more. The general atmosphere of the areas and town are excellent, and it introduces Zinogre to the game so well. There’s also an english patch floating around for it if you can’t read japanese.

  • Yeah I hopped on global and played a bunch but dropped it for a while after I learned that NGS sucks. Been playing it again, just sticking to base PSO2 and popping over to NGS for login bonuses and only the dailies that have the highest reward to clear time ratio. Base game is still great, but the playerbase tanked since there’s no new content being made. Ngs has fundamental problems that no amount or quality of content will fix, and it’s getting extremely half assed content anyway.

    I honestly can’t wait until SEGA just drops the game altogether so I can hope that private servers start popping up like Ephinea and a few others did with PSO Blue Burst (which is still active if you’re looking for that old school PSO grind).

  • Fair warning, Battle of Mice can be tough to listen to. Song 6 of “A day of Nights”, titled “At the base of the giants throat” has 911 call audio from 7:00 ish to the end of the song.

    Rheia is so fucking good. It’s a perfect example of music driven by emotion and backed up by incredible execution of the music itself. Glad to see that other people dig it. As for Deafheaven, I loved it when I first heard of it and listened to it all the time, but it’s become one of those bands that I can’t listen to anymore because of the association to that point in my life, which was not great to put lightly. I remember it being an incredible band, but it’s been close to 10 years since I’ve listened to it, so I can’t say whether I’d think it’s good today. Maybe I wouldn’t like it today if I was just hearing it the first time.

    Edit: my favorite Battle of Mice song, Sleep and Dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k74EB4XVp0