Womp womp. I’m sure openAI asked for permission from the creators for all its training data, right? Thief complains about someone else stealing their stolen goods, more at 11.
A human
Womp womp. I’m sure openAI asked for permission from the creators for all its training data, right? Thief complains about someone else stealing their stolen goods, more at 11.
Abandon Google. I’ve been slowly extricating myself and it feels wonderful. Soon I will have an entirely degoogled phone.
Your comment was great, until the last part. That’s terrible advice. DO mess with things you don’t understand, until you understand them!
a database of banned shapes
banned shapes
Maybe the dumbest possible idea here from government regulators. You think you’re going to somehow legislate certain geometry out of existence? “Sorry, you can’t print that ILLEGAL SHAPE with the printer you own!” Same vacant headed assholes that think they can ban encryption. Fuck off, shrivel up and perish, please.
I was surprised by how well Garuda KDE just… Works. Many users warned me to stay away from the smaller distros like Garuda but I’ve had zero issues after 6+ months of everyday use on 2 devices.
Couldn’t possibly agree more. One of the biggest barriers to sharing my enthusiasm for Linux with my friends is filtering out all of the cringey anime weeb shit that somehow gets posted along with it. Why does open source software need to be associated with creepy drawings of little girls? Absolutely the worst vibes.
I hope Framework takes note and is working on their own ARM laptop.
I want it to be adopted by Framework
I know, still use it. It’s just never allowed to call home. Simple.
Well that was a crazy read. Never seen a company act this way before. Sounds like a very small operation. Unfortunately their products don’t appeal to me at all, I’d much rather buy a Framework.