It’s based on BSD like Mach kernel
It’s based on BSD like Mach kernel
Most podcasts do have rss feeds ( that’s how Google podcasts did subscribe them). So find your podcast and subscribe him in f e fresh rss. You can open it in either brave ( background playing ) or vlc
So I think good luck for foss movement. Hopefully, forking that project won’t be illegal because otherwise foss will die
But where do you have information that it was russian state? There are many state actors capable of doing this. Just saying
Actually I’m interested how it looks legally ( it somebody cares about it at all ). Whether the Russian contributors could ask to revert their changes as they most likely never signed the contract to transfer their code copyrights. For sure it will have a big impact on foss because if you have at least one American and Russian contributors, you may get in the biggest shitshow. Additionally if I was considering now to become a contributors, I’d be wondering if it’s worthy at all to work for free and then to be banned no thanks for whole free work years
Lol, good that you pointed it out. The only real way is apparently only self hosting foss
Admitting by the ad company is for sure not a proof. So what is? If in courts, pleading is good enough for thr court
The problem of sun radiation can be mitigated by dwelling underground as many early humans did so
The same you could say with “conversative” term meaning. In the original meaning it was “not willing changes” not “far right radical” whatever it means ( right now it’s considered to have conservative people in that group by left wing people )
Is there an email thread where c and rust Linux kernel devs actually discuss what’s about? Because so far I see some Linux drama and I have no slightest clue what’s about
Bash? On windows it’s pretty much unusable even if you use cygwin. Python or Lua are the only reasonable suggestions here
Coal is a basic substance, so it is in the space. Maybe there is not likely oil or gas ( although I believe methan should be pretty much available everywhere as it’s simple substance ), uranium will be in space for sure. Maybe even mining dead stars or close to dead would be possible in the future, who knows
This means space colonization. Here is the problem: 1) either we meet sooner or later aliens whom we don’t whether they are dangerous and hostile 2) we discover we live in a simulation but still every simulation has its limits ( like maps in the games )
Because people cannot block darn windows updates. Its a real malware only allowed by law
Isn’t it better to focus and migrate on opencl?
Tell it to the Russian Linux devs that foss has no owners :-) Theory and practice are 2 different things