Marty Stratton of id Software tries to throw Mick Gordon and his entire music production career in front of a bus over the Doom Eternal OST issues: https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/gdg25y/doom_eternal_ost_open_letter/
Mick Gordon responds with receipts and even time stamps in files from the id audio designer: https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce
Bethesda’s eventual response in a tone seeming written by Stratton himself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/1enfvfm/has_marty_stratton_found_his_appropriate_venue_yet/
Fuck anything from id Software/Bethesda/ZeniMaxi Media until chucklefuck Marty Stratton is out.
Registrar is 1API.NET which uses Verisign.
DNS is currently configured to cloudflare (maybe as a result of this fubar scenario?). blah.itch.io would be pointed in DNS not from the TLD registrar in this scenario.
Contacting itch.io directly would be the first step long before going the registrar route as they obviously manage DNS on their end and not the registrar end.