I’m sure there are people out there that will leap at the opportunity to buy one of these, but between emulation with modern controller mapping, and og hardware on a CRT, I’ve never stopped playing N64 games since 1996 and the prospect of buying another $250+ piece of hardware just doesn’t appeal to me. I guess if you totally missed out on the 64 era, this is a great way to bypass the tinkering emulation requires to get to a playable state (N64 peeps already know), while getting the technically best image quality possible, and be a buy. The N64 has a fantastic (albeit sort of small) library of bangers. The issue now is finding carts that aren’t priced to the moon.
Been using nvidia cards/drivers for the past 20 years. Never had an issue with the drivers breaking or depreciating(?) my hardware. My current card, a 1060 6gb, has been in constant use for the past 7.5 years with no measurable drop in performance, using official drivers.
“I don’t give a fuck, they’re terrible people who have genocide baked into their laws”
Okay, assuming any of that is true, how is what the IDF is doing any better? Fucking moron. Take a shower, you sweaty talentless hack. Leave the political commentary to people who actually understand current events.
There will always be some fucking rich kid that will buy every skin no matter how many other people criticize the practice.
I think people are genuinely looking for a console that doesn’t have all the fuckery of Playstation, but with a stronger brand for itself than Xbox, with the simplicity of Nintendo hardware, that costs under $699.
It basically seems like SV but with just more of everything. My GF is really enjoying it so far and she crushed SV.
If there was any doubt that Western society only functions to serve the oil overlords…
Consolidation definitely isn’t good, however the alternative is that Ubisoft goes out of business, and while I don’t want hard working people to lose their jobs, the leadership and game design philosophy at Ubisoft will be their undoing regardless. Tencent is really good at putting out games that are live service AIDS, and Ubisoft wishes they were that successful at it.
We’re never getting Beyond Good and Evil 2…
What doesn’t make sense though is why now all of a sudden? They were content to buy Nintendo games up until yesterday, but the Ryujinx takedown, which was amicably agreed upon between Nintendo and the devs, that was the final straw? This just screams disingenuous en vogue Nintendo bashing to me.
People refuse to buy Nestle products because Nestle is a wildly unethical company and its behavior directly affects which products are available to purchase. Nintendo protecting their IP, while sucking for pirates, doesn’t violate any known ethical principle. Apples and oranges.
I would expect the people that bought a physical copy but pirated it anyway to be the minority, but we’ll never know.
So what you’re saying is not only did they not buy a game, they also didn’t buy the system the game was developed for. So it definitely hurt Nintendo’s bottom line.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but it objectively is not a 7/10.
You were buying Switch games but because of something unrelated to your gaming and purchasing habits, you’re going to stop your unrelated behavior?
That’s a perk of emulation, but it isn’t the reason why someone would pirate over purchasing it. People just want free shit, but they have a weird mental block in admitting it.
I agree with you, but Nintendo’s sales are definitely hurt meaningfully by piracy. Over a million people downloaded TOTK when it leaked.
It’s likely that most episodes aired before the dawn of home video recording (early 80s) are completely lost media. NBC and other networks weren’t in the habit of archiving tape-to-air media.
Am I crazy, or didn’t Phil in 2013 say something like “you can put an xbox game in your PC and it’ll play!” Yeah. Still waiting for that one.
Not to mention TSMC told Sammy a couple days ago that his business isn’t worth $7T spent on scaling up their operations. Major companies do not see the value in AI. It’s a flash in the pan technology and solves few if any problems.
Bystander syndrome. YOU are the one that has to call 911!