You’re right, it was a vad example. I added some other examples that might be more accurate, allthough less popular.
You’re right, it was a vad example. I added some other examples that might be more accurate, allthough less popular.
Interesting question because I think there are entire families of programming languages that share mostly the same syntax. Often, a popular language of its time like C, Java, Python or Lua inspires a range of languages with a similar syntax, but different semantics. Like how JavaScript was supposed to look like Java, but to be adopted to a browser environment. Edit: C# may be a more accurate example, or how Godot Script and Bend look like Python.
I’d say the language family that has the most uniform syntax is shell scripting languages. They have mostly been standardized by POSIX and features are often being copied to make the shell more familiar and interoperable.
Yup, I’m learning Rust this way over at https://github.com/brckd/advent-of-code-2024 using a handy template I found.
Regarding the puzzles, I was able to solve all of them so far using
regex, itertools and some bruteforce >:D
I already joined a private leaderboard, but if more people are interested, we could create one too.
I freed my entire disk by removing the French language pack