Appreciate your looking into it and following up! Definitely didn’t expect to hear about it again. It’s people like you that make dark corners of the internet bright.
Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.
Appreciate your looking into it and following up! Definitely didn’t expect to hear about it again. It’s people like you that make dark corners of the internet bright.
Honestly, with this add-on, the only feature that I’m really missing on Lemmy now is default comment sort in posts. I like sorting by Old, but don’t like having to manually select it every time I start reading through a post thread.
This coming from the guy that can barely handle personal hygiene and lives in abject filth. Just shut the fuck up and play WoW dude.
I remember there being complaints about issues with the master collection when it dropped on Steam. How has your experience been? I’ve been considering picking it up.
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has a full co-op campaign and the alternate co-op zombies campaign as well. It’s a good time.
Damn, this is more accurate than horoscopes. You got me.
Waluigi for Kart and Mr. Game and Watch for Smash. I have no idea what this says about me.
There must be a mistake, Fallout: New Vegas with 80 mods isn’t on here. I’ll have to write a letter to the editor.
Time to take her to the Wildy.
Everything needs to be a fucking IP universe these days…
I’m pretty okay with that, actually, as long as the writing and character interactions/development are still there. The ending of Inquisition had me hollering and instantly clamoring for a sequel so fingers crossed.
Hot take: I really enjoyed Inquisition and am hoping this isn’t ass.
It’s un-modded. If you custom build your class instead of choosing a preset you can name it whatever you want. The good ol’ days.
I smell Overwatch 3.
Unfortunately not, the site has been having some problems today. It should run a loop of this.
The only website you need is https://zombo.com
Appreciate the clarification, you just learned me one. Gotta love the discourse on Lemmy.
At least hand it off to someone instead of just letting it die facedown.
Please don’t break Toastify again. Please…