I dabble in coding, linux, gaming, HEMA, LARP, e-mobility, carhacking, simpits and… parenting?

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • That is interesting. Do I understand this correct that it has to be SBS left/right for this to work? I read conflicting reports on this.

    Thing is my glasses need right/left and most of what’s on YT does simply not work when I just go fullscreen with SBS enabled so I have to drag it out of YT first and run it through Bino (or use ffplay with stereo3d filter) to “fix” this again.

    This looks like if I want to make it convenient for VR I make it inconvenient for XR glasses users like XREAL and Viture users. I’m highly confused.

    Oh and what about h265 or V1? The example only suggests h264:

    ffmpeg -i input_file.mkv -vcodec libx264 -x264opts “frame-packing=3” output_file.mp4

    Tried if h265 would happily eat frame-packing too but it’s an unknown option for it :/

  • What are your experience?

    My last “real” Windows experience was with WinXP and every time I have to touch Windows at the PC of a customer, which happens sometimes when the stars align, I feel like the first human that ever walked the earth.

    I have no idea how people get any work done on a system that is constantly nagging for attention, popups, restrictive Enterprise environment and non descriptive error messages. Nothing in this world seems to make sense or is presented in a unified way. Every dialogue or sub system seems to be it’s own isle stemming from another decade of tech. The experience for someone who is simply not used to Windows any more due to missing exposure is horrible.

    Heck a Mac feels alien to me too but in the end that’s still a system I could deal with given some time.

    Mebbe I’m spoiled by stuff like systemd, PipeWire, Wayland, btrfs and all that candy we get nowadays on a Linux desktop. I’m not even talking about privacy or FOSS principles at this point. Just the fact that the system doesn’t get in my face with ads or AI or “very important reboots” seems to be a revelation in 2024.

  • I get the charm of a console for gaming. Just switch it on and go. Still prefer a PC at the end of the day though. For once my preferred genres are very unrepresented on consoles and since I dabble in DIY I do not have that level of freedom on a console or mobile phone. Well, do some extend. Fiddling around with key remappers that hijack on the accessibility system is horrible. Anyway, I enjoy tinkering and this is not really something consoles are known for, no?

    This said it is very amazing that I can just e.g. fire up Waydroid nowadays, connect an X360 controller and play AmongUs with the little one on my Linux PC. That level of possibilities is mind boggling.

  • Quite an impressive list (together with the other posts). And here I thought I was a space nutter (thanks Beyond The Frontier!).

    Missing the slug throwers Diaspora: Shattered Armistice and House of the Dying Sun though. The former is an Open Freespace mod in the BSG verse with a great campaign, the latter a rather short but still very nicely done pew pew that shines especially on sound effects (and I guess VR but I didn’t try that). Both do TrackIR though (and I even hacked together an OpenTrack provider for the native Linux version of FSO).