firewatch is a personal favorite.
firewatch is a personal favorite.
“what remains of edith finch” and “gone home.” waiting for the right rainy day to play them.
i love both the physical and digital versions of this game. 🕊️
it’s the dogs! i love dogs, but having them jump through the window destroyed me.
if you want to know how to get back, pick a side (i chose left) and always put torches on that side going down. to come back up, keep the torches on your right. 🔥
the original resident evil. couldn’t even get through the first 15 minutes before i threw the controller across the room. i don’t play scary games anymore, but i love watching other people play!
silent hill was super fun to watch.
my dad bought a switch for his wife recently. neither one of them are “gamers.” i think they only play mario kart!
i’ve poured hours upon hours into this game. it’s just a chill game (if you want it to be), and it’s fun to keep track of stuff to collect, talk to the NPCs, and go fight some baddies occasionally.
assuming “PC” doesn’t count… i’ll be a basic bitch and say nintendo switch. it’s the one i’ve played the most games on.
i tried to play the original about a decade ago and my partner at the time had to dodge me throwing the controller when the dogs jumped through the window. that’s when i knew i wasn’t cut out for playing horror games. (although i enjoy watching other people play them!)
ooblets is one of my favorite in this genre. it’s got a great soundtrack, the humor is spot-on, and it’s got an anti-capitalist message.