I hope the company goes out of business.
Hello 🥳
I hope the company goes out of business.
They use it because the general public don’t care what Elon/X is doing, They just want to see posts and they can still do that.
New Careers for the new (and Current) generation.
It was the NDS (and 3DS), Now It’s the switch (hopefully a successor is on the way…)
I like all consoles in general and have had most modern ones up til Xbox One S and PS4.
Only own a PC and Switch now.
I like the portable form factor, I don’t feel the need for a Deck as I can play everything I want on my current devices.
99% of people think all mobile games should be free to use. So they go for P2W to make money.
They wouldnt make anywhere close to the amount they do via P2W if they did an upfront cost.
It’s also on the Switch!
I use a Asus ZenDrive V1M