Be nice, can’t you see they’re only able to afford red pixels?
RDP has some nice defaults that make things easy. VNC can operate pretty much the same, but it takes a bit more configuration.
The only things that are holding me on Mac are the specific features I’ve mentioned.
Isn’t that the vendor lock part?
Good point, that’s more accurate. I just wanted to get specific with the type of right wing nonsense I’ve seen from him.
Lunduke is a terf.
Baker’s dozens!
Lizard Linux
Lizard Linux
Lizard Linux
Same, though I’d been dual booting for a long time at that point. I found Windows 10 so infuriating that I jettisoned my entire Windows partition and never looked back.
I thought they gave a pretty good rebuttal in regards to the singular ‘they’. Just because they mentioned a fallacy in the begging doesn’t mean it’s an argument from fallacy.
Unless you’re talking fruit flies, you actually catch more of those with vinegar. They love the stuff.
You can change it to any flag by modifying .config/prideicon/lastselected
so the first line is the absolute path to the image you want (png on Linux, ico on Windows).
I considered adding a menu option to open a prompt to select a custom icon, but I wasn’t sure how many people would want to use it, so I just left it as a configuration file option for now.
Screenshots are a good idea.
I also added a section to the project readme, thanks for the suggestion.
It uses a makefile, you can just type make
while in the pride-system-icon directory.
On Windows you may need to install GNU make first.
You’ll need to have Go installed, I’ve added a vendor
directory to make it easier. The compiled files will be placed in dist/windows/prideicon.exe
and dist/linux/prideicon
Here are the commands to compile without using make:
go build -mod vendor -tags linux -o prideicon
go build -mod vendor -tags windows -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o prideicon.exe
Thank you!
I just added a feature where you can select whichever icon you want by editing the text file in .config/prideicon/lastselected
Just make it one line of text with the absolute path to the icon (.png on Linux, .ico on Windows) then restart the program.
Glad to hear it!
I’m not sure if your name is a reference to the god of Red Dwarf or the yonic pokemon, but either way, cheers.
Done. Thanks for reminding me.
What if you want it in your system tray?
It’s free and it’s open source software. It can be discussed here.
Some software is more about looking nice than serving a utility.
I learned a lot about the system tray writing it. I think it stands as a decent example for how to add an icon to the system tray.
Xiaomi Pad 6 is a good price and is compatible with plenty of custom roms. Some people don’t trust them because it’s a Chinese brand, but I figure the odds are about the same that it’s got hardware level spying as a Google or Microsoft tablet. At least it’s easy to root or reformat.