Its very common in all sorts of fields, Max Planck said that physics advances one dead professor at a time
Its very common in all sorts of fields, Max Planck said that physics advances one dead professor at a time
They certainly cant do that in places with actual consumer regulations, ToS and EULA mean nothing if they go against the law.
I dont see any harm in including support for running models built into the distro and then providing easy access to a pre-selected list of models to use with that if the user wants.
A small number of mobile games sell better make obscene money, the vast majority make a pittance or lose money. But corporate types cant stop salivating at the thought of being the ones to own the next candy crush, so they’d rather take a shot at that than produce something with merit that will likely make a reasonable return.
No you completely miss read their post, they were saying that yours was legit but you shouldnt copy past random scripts with no context: this is a reputable place to see it.
No but your argument that no-one is forced to buy cigarettes is equally valid to arguing that for micro-transactions. One is chemically adictive, the other uses physchological tricks and is almost entirely unregulated.
Thats true in a surface level way. Buts its equally true about cigarettes, heroin any other adictive substance you can think of.
As did many of the thousands of people who died from being denied treatment in order to push his wage packet up another million dollars. Some of them were children themselves.
The point you are missing is that yes, asking an LLM about these things is not at the level of advice from someone who knows their stuff. But if you dont know what you are doing and dont know enough to even know what the right things to search for are then even partialy useful advice about the thing you are trying to do is a massive help.
What do you use as a vm on an arm mac? I was looking into this a while back to run linux on my work m3 macbook but i couldnt find any good options
They tried that method with the steam machines, it didnt work. A bunch of companies put out half arsed cash in versions and it went nowhere. By putting Valve’s whole weight behind one platform that they tested extensively they got a great product that has made waves. Opening it up now that it has momentum makes sense, but they absolutely made the right call making the steam deck the focus rather than making it hardware agnostic.
Umatrix is great, you can configure it to automatically allow first party javascript, and if sites still dont work eneable bits until they do them lock those settings so the same bits will be enabled next time you’re on that site.
Local models WOULD form the basis of FOSS AI. Supposition on my part but entirely supportable given there is already a open source model movement focus on producing local models and open source software is generally privacy focused.
Local models ARE inherently private due to the way that no information leaves the device it is processed on.
I know you dont want to engage with arguments and instead just wail at the latest daemon for internet points, but you can have more than one statement in a sentence without being incoherent.
So its settled that neurons are the only way to create inteligence? Again you need to get your work published, it’s clearly groundbreaking that you’ve solved these long standing disputes.
It doesnt though, local models would be at the core of FOSS AI, and they dont require you to trust anyone with your data.
It takes only an incredibly basic knowledge of computers and brains to know that we cannot make an actual intelligent program using the Von Neumann style of computer.
Nice to hear that it only takes a very basic knowledge of computers to settle one of the most hotly disputed issues in philosophy and computing. You should let them know you’ve decided it.
And jesus, the writing in BE! There’s only so many times I can hear “haha look at these funny space people who think the dynamo is an invention from antiquity”
The point you seem to be missing is that it isnt that linux is too hard for average people, it isnt id even say its easier than windows to use for people who arent deep into using windows already.
Its that installing any os is too much for regular people and Microsoft have been fighting dirty and abusing market dominance to make sure they kill pre-installed linux machines.
The original point being:
yea, see i just don’t like how we first automated creativity instead of like, idk, manual labor???
emphasis mine, but this is just incorrect. Technology has been reducing the need for manual labour (or rather increasing the amount of useful work done with manual labour) since the wheel and the plow.
Ha no, I just have an extension to automatically add that to wiki links as I dislike the newer skin. I totally forgot it was there!