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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • This was a tough one. But I’m probably going to have to say JSawyer Ultimate for Fallout: New Vegas. A continuation of the game director’s own rebalance mod, it makes the game hard in a way that feels fresh and fair (unlike the baked-in Hardcore mode).

    I like to pair it with my runner-up: JAM - Just Assorted Mods, for a more modern HUD and a sprint feature. Of course then you need the NPCs Sprint mod to rebalance combat and- you know what, all of the Viva New Vegas modlist while you’re at it ;)

  • I don’t know if you’ve played Oracle of Ages/Seasons, but those are two more great Capcom Zelda games.

    I saw someone else say CrossCode, and I can second that. CrossCode is the only game I have ever played to perfectly capture the way games felt on the Nintendo DS. Control, aesthetic, everything. It made me immediately nostalgic the first time I played it.

  • Very excited for the super new inductees that just want to build a Steam home console.

    Buuuuut I really have not had issues with anything except Anti-Cheat (which Steam Deck has issues with anyway) using Pop!_OS on my PC.

    It did take some learning, but most of that was done through just using the OS.

    The only time I had issues doing something I wanted to was when I initially tried to install Mod Organizer 2 for Fallout: New Vegas. That took some reading up. Ended up being an easy fix and then all I had to do was learn how to install Windows components to my F:NV prefix in Protontricks to get almost any mod running.

    So for anyone who wants to plug in and play their games, Linux is basically there. And for anyone more technical, it’s not a crazy amount more work to do the stuff you’re already doing.

  • Bonanza Bros, Blast Corps, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Vampire: The Masquerade -Bloodlines, Cruisn World, LEGO Battles, NBA Jam

    Bonanza Bros would be a great couch co-op multiplayer game in a world where we need more. It would benefit from some gameplay tweaks, and adding online play and 4 players would be big.

    Blast Corps was awesome, I found it to be an extremely underrated Rare game. This game in an engine with simulated rubble and crazy explosions would be a gem. I also think changing the camera to first person should be an option at the very least.

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days got its cutscenes remastered. I want the full game. It was dripping in atmosphere, and I loved the premise of scouting the new worlds. The graphics could use an upgrade, and the combat could be brought up to par with KH2. But, I love the leveling system and think it would barely need touching.

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is awesome and not super long. It’s extremely buggy, but luckily there’s a modder named Wesp5 who has spend YEARS creating an Unofficial Patch, to a point where all the cut content is restored and it’s essentially feature-complete. There’s a version that just patches the game, and a restored content version. I think he should be given a team and be allowed to curate content and rebalance cut mechanics for a remake. It would be magical.

    Cruisn World is one of my favorite arcade racers ever. It has untouchable vibes, and I’d just like to see that with a nice sheen over it, maybe more levels and vehicles?

    LEGO Battles is an RTS for the Nintendo DS. Put it on PC, nuff said.

    NBA Jam is not very niche. I want a remake, and I don’t care if it’s up-to-date. It’s the best sports game period.

  • KDE Plasma is the way to go if you’re too used to the Windows desktop. Plasma 6 is out, and from what I ses it’s more like Windows 11, though Plasma is so configurable you could definitely mimic Windows 10.

    Kubuntu still uses Plasma 5, which was pretty much exactly like using Windows 10 when I used it, though more configurable and smoother to use. If you want stability and compatibility in your machine, with a DE that has all its issues ironed out, Kubuntu is a good choice.