How about FUTO Keyboard?
How about FUTO Keyboard?
Even though you dislike online play, you can still play online with the PS3. Some servers are still up and running, and for other titles there are custom servers created by some fans. And the best part: you don’t need to pay the online fee that Microsoft created during the 360 days, which Sony and Nintendo followed after.
Same. And you can also purchase old gems for a really low price 😅
Magic Earth has traffic. That’s the reason why I use it instead of Organic Maps.
I prefer the UI of Magic Earth than Organic Maps. And ME also has offline maps/navigation, given that it also uses OSM.
I second Shutter on Linux, too.
If you’re on Mac there is no reason to use this instead of the brilliant Shottr app.
To make it work, I had to remove some things from the script, which didn’t work for me:
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
(like you suggested)COMMIT;
(In Alter Tables, since as far as I remember, DDL commands don’t need to commit, only the DML ones. So I did the commit manually)If I need to remove the registration, do I have to update the Value column on tarallo_settings table or are there any settings’ menu which I’m not seeing?
I created a DB with utf8mb4 with the general_ci collection, but the issue remains. I’ll try to change the SQL script
The app seems great.
@[email protected] I’m getting an error when trying to create the DB tables: Reason:
SQL Error [1273] [HY000]: (conn=517001) Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'
Does it support MariaDB 10.6.17?
Hijacking this topic, I use this software on Windows, which does incremental backups of the system (including the OS, alongside documents, downloads, etc). It can also be easily restored by booting a custom image from an USB and restore the image created.
Is there anything like this with Linux?
I use and recommend Baikal.
My bad. I thought it was.